Emmanuel Macron must go this Thursday in London to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the appeal of 18 June. During the ceremony at Carlton Gardens, where was located the headquarters of free France, the French president will issue prince Charles, representing the queen, the insignia of the order of the Legion of honor awarded to the british capital, where general de Gaulle had fled between 1940 and 1944 to fight the battle of freedom.

Confined to Windsor because of her age, Elizabeth II has met with Emmanuel Macron on two occasions : in June 2019, to Portsmouth, to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Landing in December 2019 when the 70th anniversary of Nato in London. It was public meetings, which have not given rise to any private interview.

also Read De Gaulle : an example in the crisis ?

A couple French-speaking

Regent de facto of the kingdom, the prince Charles is in the image of his mother, a francophile and a francophone. I had met at the banquet given on march 26, 2008 by Elizabeth II to the president and Mrs Sarkozy at Windsor castle.

– ” nice to meet you, Your Royal Highness

– What are you doing in life ?

I am the correspondent of a French newspaper in London.

– (in French) They told me that a good number of young French people came to live in London.

– It is exact. There are so many opportunities.

– (in French) It is a good thing, but it is a loss for France. “

During the gala dinner, Carla Bruni was sitting next to the heir to the throne who had spoken to him, ” in fluent French “, she recalls, of his action in favor of the ecology.

The prince of Wales was made on August 31, 1997 to recover the body of his ex-wife Diana was killed in a traffic accident in the tunnel of the Alma bridge. He has never forgotten the help given on this occasion by Jacques Chirac, who had personally set for the transfer of the remains. The Entente cordiale was strengthened.

The francophilie of the prince is shared by his wife, the duchess of Cornwall. In 1963, Camilla had finished his education for a period of six months at the british Institute in Paris, where she had learned the basics of French and cooking recipes. Since then, the wife of prince Charles held the French capital for the ” queen of the world “. The daughter of a dealer in wine and a nobleman who is also president of the british section of Emmaus since 2006. It is for this reason that the duchess has chosen to perform in Paris, on 27 and 28 may 2013, his first official visit abroad solo. The wife of the heir to the throne of England had attended a reception at the british embassy in honour of His Majesty’s subjects deserving installed in the Hexagon and a demonstration of the republican guard. She had gone on a market, the Louvre museum and a fashion house.

A visit marking

If prince Charles is fluent in French, this was a great admirer of the arab world has entrusted to the biographer royal, sir Kenneth Rose : “Individually, the French are charming, collectively, they are without scruples. “Small skirmishes that maintain the bilateral friendship… He has transmitted the affection to France with his eldest son, William, who does not speak French. The second in order of succession was one of the architects of the operation, franco-british ” Neighbours “, which aims to strengthen the Entente cordiale of the youth at the cultural level, as well as twinning.

returned to power in 1958, after the interlude of the presidency of the provisional government between 1944 and 1946, the general de Gaulle has occupied a special place among the seven presidents of the French Republic that the queen has dealt with. This closeness was, of course, welded by the brotherhood fighting together during the Second world War. England was the birthplace of the free French, and the memory of that time has woven between the founder of the Fifth Republic and the royal family has strong links. This is the reason for the official visit brilliant that was done president de Gaulle, held on 4 and 5 April 1960, remained in all memories. In tribute, queen Elizabeth the queen mother had opened on 23 June 1993 the statue of the leader of the free France and erected in Carlton Gardens.

A future outside of Europe

One thing is clear, despite its francophilie and its efforts in favour of the Entente cordiale, the prince Charles is done for a reason. The future of the crown is now out of Europe after the Brexit. A new relationship between France and Britain today remains to be written. But the future Charles III is confident that, after the decoupling of the EU, the Uk does retract not on himself, fleeing his responsibilities in the face of challenges that the outside world poses to the security of the european continent. The task of laying the new standards is the responsibility of Emmanuel Macron and Boris Johnson.

When he steps on the throne, the new king Charles will resume the role of his mother as the tireless engine of the axis, franco-british.

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