, The company at the business location Geretsried struggling with the consequences of the pandemic, but also opportunities.

Geretsried – mouth-nose protection and disinfectants are in demand in times of Corona-pandemic, especially. As both were scarce, were able to help out the Geretsrieder company Tyczka Energy and Pulcra Chemicals. Tyczka had plenty of masks in stock, because this part of your pandemic Plan (see box). Pulcra was able to recover thanks to the mounted raw material of disinfectant, in order to supply the district office, city and other enterprises in the economic region for free.

The delivery of relief goods is one thing, the financial impact on business location Geretsried the other. How the crisis affects the industry in the largest town of the district, or its more than 50 members, would like to find out the industry community Geretsried (IGG), soon, in a short survey. Currently, this is “not to predict”, explains Paul Reichhold, IGG-member of the management Board and managing Director of the foam processor Pana Foamtec. “It affects every industry and size of operation is quite different. To generalize this, therefore, falls hard.“ In the past few months, the IGG have designed their activities, therefore, is increasingly on the provision of information and information transfer, rich hold. “Placement of trainees could not be more busy, also fell under the (network)-activities of the last few weeks.”

Pana Foamtec even feel as a supplier to the automotive industry, a decline in orders and sales. “Other for us is always good and stable sectors, such as the construction industry also come to a standstill, and we are seeing declines,” says Reichhold. Many of the orders would be moved to the rear. “A slight increase with, for example, medical products that can counteract the revenue decline only slightly,” says the managing Director.

+ Paul Reichhold Pana Foamtec

A rapid return to on-the-Corona-utilization is not expected to Reichhold. “I expect a slight noticeable recovery at the earliest at the end of the third quarter (September) – depending on a possible upcoming second wave and measures that would be applied against”, so the Pana-managing Director. Short-time work or even job cuts were up to now due to vacation and hours reduction have been avoided.

From “some Downs, but also opposite effects,” reports the site Manager of the company Pulcra Chemicals, Max Suter. In sum, the business is currently in decline. The demand for hygiene articles increased, however, as we know. For some of the fibers and textiles, special chemicals are used, which are produced at the Isardamm.

to bring The products to the customers all over the world, provides Pulcra Chemicals, however, sometimes challenges. Due to limitations of shipping traffic in the Asian region, Container and cargo were hardly any rooms available, explains Suter. “We are not able to deliver the goods in speed, as before, the Corona.” After all: “In the case of raw material deliveries so far we have had no restrictions.”

+ Frank Götzelmann Tyczka Energy

in The energy company Tyczka the “business under all of the restrictions went very well,” reports Dr. Frank Götzelmann, spokesman of the management Board. “Economically we are not as heavily burdened as others.” In the gas cylinder area, there is even a small Boom. “The barbecue market is exploding,” said Götzelmann.

Also of interest: multi-kulti on the plate: These foods are found in Geretsried to

with regard to the work processes at the flower street, was Tyczka a pandemic, be prepared. “We have started the end of January, a crisis staff set up,” says the managing Director. Most of the employees were transferred to the home office. Here Götzelmann of the crisis may be said to have even a positive aspect for the future world of work. In some areas you get to know the value of the home office, in other to appreciate the work. “The world of work will change. The home office will be more.“


see also: Corona forces the municipality to austerity