After months of opposition, the chinese Parliament has adopted on Tuesday 30 June, the controversial law on national security to hong Kong, have announced the media of the territory a semi-autonomous, raising fears of a crackdown on any political opposition in the former british colony. The national Parliament in Beijing has voted for this text unanimously, said Tuesday morning Now TV, RTHK and the South China Morning Post.

This law, which intends to suppress ” separatism “, “terrorism, “”subversion” and ” collusion with foreign forces and foreign “, aims to bring stability in the former british colony shaken last year by demonstrations against the central power. Opponents fear that it serves to stifle dissent and bury the semi-autonomy and the freedoms enjoyed by the people of hong Kong. This text, prepared in only six weeks and the content of which is not known to nearly 7.5 million in hong Kong, bypasses the legislative council of the local.

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During his weekly press conference Tuesday morning, the head of the local executive, Carrie Lam, has refused to say if this text was actually adopted. “I think that at this moment, it is not for me to comment on the issues relating to the law on national security,” said Carrie Lam. For the opposition, pro-democracy, hong Kong and several western countries including the United States, the G7 or the european Union (EU), this act is, on the contrary, an attack against the freedoms and autonomy of the territory.

The party of pro-democracy announces its dissolution

The political party of pro-democracy hong kong Demosisto announced in the wake of its dissolution. “After many internal deliberations, we decided to disband and cease activity as a group given the circumstances,” said Demosisto on Twitter. This announcement was made a few hours after that four young leaders of this party, Joshua Wong, Nathan Law, Jeffrey Ngo and Agnes Chow stated that they were leaving Demosisto.

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This party had been founded by students at the end of the Movement of umbrellas in 2014 against the growing power of Beijing in the former british colony. Vilified by Beijing, they were campaigning in particular for a genuine universal suffrage in the former british colony. Activists such as Joshua Wong, who has been in detention for their activities, are regularly attacked by the chinese media as “separatists” while Demosisto does not call for the independence of Hong Kong. He is also accused by Beijing of acting on behalf of foreign powers after he met with political leaders in foreign. “I will continue to defend my house, Hong Kong, until they reduce me to silence and eliminate me from this earth,” he wrote on Facebook.

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