At the research reactor in Garching, Germany, are significantly less treated cancer patients with neutrons, as predicted. The request of the Greens in the state Parliament. You criticize the TUM for it to be sharp.

Garching – The Greens in the Bavarian Parliament, to evaluate the neutron treatment of cancer patients at the Garching research reactor FRM II as “blamable Broke”. The number of irradiations have at least 95 percent below the expected value, indicated by the Green on Tuesday. The have revealed to a request of the deputies Claudia Köhler and Markus Büchler. Accordingly, the system stand for five years. The Technical University of Munich (TUM) powered reactor is due to the use of highly enriched uranium is controversial.

For the plant for the irradiation of cancer patients, the state government had assumed at the Start of the FRM II “of a partial utilisation of the existing capacity with up to 120 patients per week” as a response to a Green request in the year 2004. In fact, the plant from 2007 to 2015 was in operation – and in all these years, 126 patients were treated, showed the new request to the Ministry of science. “Annually, an average of 14 patients were treated, and only 24 days in the year, irradiations have taken place,” said Köhler. “The development of cancer treatments at the research reactor is an example of the empty promises of the TU about the alleged medical Benefits of the reactor.”

“The demand from the scientific side is very strong.”

The spokeswoman of the FRM II, Andrea Voit, said the plant was not set, but is currently being rebuilt. In 2021, you should go back into operation. “The reason for the low level of demand after neutron therapy compared to before the start of operation projected Numbers, be sure that the medical technology in the past 20 years, more has developed.” It was shown, that mainly palliative in the first line for pain relief – neutron irradiated. It is planned now with a restart of the irradiation, for example, a combination with other therapies for brain tumors. In addition, the facility will serve not only the medicine but also the research. Imaging for scientific concern to be a significant use. “The demand from the scientific side is very strong.” In addition, another important medical area, namely, the production and use of radioisotopes did, as significantly more efficient than expected. With the for prostate and pancreatic cancer used Lutetium-177 year 2500 patients were treated.

Currently, the FRM II is at a standstill. In mid-may, radio active C-14 was. When he is allowed to start after the incident, you must decide the Ministry of the environment as the Supervisory authority. The Bund Naturschutz (BN) argued that the reactor should not be permitted to even start. The Association has filed a lawsuit to stop the operation. This is since the end of 2018, illegally, because of the need for more highly-enriched uranium is used.
