While the Old Continent, where the pandemic of novel coronavirus is in decline, is about to publish Tuesday the list of countries from which it will accept new travelers, the WHO says the global outlook remains grim, and that ” the worst is yet to come “.

After days of negotiations, the countries of the EU range, except the difficulties of last minute, vote by qualified majority to decide to open their borders as of July 1, nationals of a dozen third countries, including the epidemiological situation is satisfactory, which in particular excludes the United States.

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The Union sets a number of criteria for a country to be on the list of the admitted, such a rate of new cases of Covid-19 near or below 16 per 100 000 inhabitants (average in the EU) on the last 14 days. This positive trend in Europe, however, must not mislead us : the global pandemic, which has just crossed two thresholds that are symbolic — more than half a million deaths and ten million cases – is far from over, ” and “is accelerating” even, warned Monday the world health Organization (WHO).

“The worst is yet to come”

” We all want that it all ends. We all want to resume our lives. But the harsh reality is that it is far from finished, ” warned the director-general of the Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. The virus continues to wreak havoc in South America, the United States and seems to be picking up in China, and in a “divided world” and facing “a lack of national unity and global solidarity (…) the worst is yet to come,” he warned.

WHO is going to send “next week” a team in China, where this coronavirus appeared in December, to determine its origin and to understand it better. The boss of the organization called on governments and citizens to put in place of the “simple solutions” in order to ” save lives now “: “test, trace, isolate, and quarantine the case “.

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According to a count carried out by the Agency France-Press from official sources, but that the experts believe is largely under-estimated, 502 599 deaths and 10.2 million cases were officially identified Monday evening. The number of deaths listed in the world has doubled in a little less than two months (250 000 5 may) and 50 000 additional deaths were recorded over the last ten days.

A british city is reconfine

Europe is the continent with the highest number of deaths (196 428 for 2 660 794 cases), followed by the zone Usa/Canada (134 538, 2 667 981), Latin America and the Caribbean (112 321, 2 491 030), Asia (33 689, 1 251 153), Middle East (15 819, 743 172), Africa (9 671, 385 166), and Oceania (133, 9 244). The United States is the country most affected, both in number of deaths (126 123) that case (2 587 154). Although the number of daily deaths has slightly decreased in June compared to the previous month, the contagion is progressing in 30 of the 50 States, particularly in the largest and the most populous (California, Texas, Florida). Closed since march, the famous theatres of Broadway, in New York, will resume not until January 2021.

In Britain, where the disease has made 43 575 dead and whose GDP is expected to melt by more than 10 % this year, Prime minister Boris Johnson will unveil on Tuesday a plan “rooseveltian” to revive the economy. “We are going to build, build, build. Build back better, rebuild green, rebuild more quickly “, is to say the conservative leader, in a speech in Dudley (center), according to extracts released by his services. He has to infuse for five billion pounds (5.4 billion euros) in infrastructure projects. The british government announced on Monday night, the hardening of the containment at Leicester due to a surge of cases in this city in the centre of England, the first to be subject to local restrictions.

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Call franco-German

German chancellor Angela Merkel and French president Emmanuel Macron were in a hurry Monday when they meet european countries, in particular the ” frugal “, to achieve as soon as the european summit of July an agreement on the relaunching of the european Union. “We face economic challenges that we have never been known for decades, and probably in all of history “, started the chancellor, at the dawn of a German presidency of the EU, which promises to be decisive. “We hope that we will find a solution” at the european council on 17 and 18 July, which will focus on the adoption of the recovery plan of 750 billion euros proposed by the european Commission, ” even if the path is still long “, she argued.

the Birthplace of the pandemic in Wuhan, in the center of the country, China is believed to have finished with the virus, but it has resurfaced in mid-June in Beijing, to the point that the authorities have closed schools and placed in containment for several thousands of people. Beijing has given the green light for use on soldiers of the country with a vaccine developed by a research institute of the military and the pharmaceutical company CanSinoBIO.

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Towards a return to normal in South Korea

scientists from universities in china were published on Monday, in a us scientific journal, a study describing a strain of swine influenza virus discovered in China and that presents features capable of causing a future pandemic. The virus is called G4 and descend genetically from the H1N1 strain caused a pandemic in 2009 : “they have all the essential features showing a high adaptability to infect humans,” the authors write.

In Canada, the Prime minister Justin Trudeau said that his country is preparing for a “second wave” that could hit very hard “. Quebec has more than half of the 103, 000 cases of coronavirus and 8 600 deaths in the country. On the other hand, South Korea is continuing its return to normal. She has managed to control the situation through a strategy based on very extensive testing and tracing of contacts of infected people, without even impose containment.

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