The Situation has eased. Since 17. May no new Corona was registered-Infected more. For the health Department, the assessment of the situation is yet more difficult.

the County – A finding that has won Dr. Karin Kübler in the last twelve weeks of the Corona-crisis: “You don’t know that you don’t know much about it.” The occupational health doctor says in the district, without further ADO. A question no one from the health Department, the it projects, reply to: How goes it with the Virus?

The statistics of the past days is called the Kübler “great”. The last registered Neuinfizierte in the Region is dated to 17. May. “The Situation has calmed down,” adds Hans-jörg Wiesböck, the organizational head. Only one to remember both very clearly: “We can not say that we would have the Situation in hand,” stressed Kübler with a serious face. From one hour to the other, a positive test could snow result in. Because there is currently suspected, it is eventually observed to continue to “closely and has a low threshold tested”. Especially the family doctors from stress, apparently, many people who report with symptoms in the medical school.

“Corona will not dissolve in the air”

A safe assessment of the situation continues to be difficult. “This is very complex, because we can’t foresee the development in advance. And we are not scholars, whose crystal ball information is more than the other,“ says Wiesböck and laughs. If the spacing rules are no longer complied with, it may come in groups very quickly to new infections. As the Situation in the district is no different than in the Rest of Bavaria. “It is quiet, but individual Hotspots can occur at any time.”

Kübler has a clear opinion: “Corona will not dissolve in the air,” stresses the Physician. “We will have to learn to live with it.” Comparable with the Influenza infection. Nevertheless, you do not want to paint black. The reproduction number R is increased the least in Germany, again, was in last week with 0.6 but even as low as never in the pandemic. “Therefore, a Return to normal life is possible,” stressed Kübler. The relaxations keeps it all reasonable.

Not afraid of tourism

the tourist regulations. Since Pentecost-Saturday of Hotels and campsites are allowed to re-open, private landlords, tourists accommodate in their homes. “I let myself be surprised,” says Kübler. It is also aware that many people create now scenarios that the Virus is introduced from outside into the Region. Nevertheless, no one need to live in fear. “Ultimately, it is up to each individual how he behaves. When we say us, Corona is over and everything is so as before, there will be more new infections,“ emphasizes Wiesböck. It is not anxious in front of the tourist Opening. “There are rules, clearly defined rules, based on scientific studies.” Who believe it could minimize the risk. “And a majority of value creation happens here locally through tourism.”

Kübler promises in all of the relaxations that your office will continue to monitor developments closely. “There are about.” The authority considers that the structures in place for as long as it is needed. As an ideal further course of the pandemic, the occupational health doctor looks like, tells you: “So few infections as possible.” Quite pragmatically. The conditions she sees in the Region: “We are a area of the County, not a large city, in which people sit closely to each other. I am optimistic that everything works well.“

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