Bye Bye, Bill! The SPD and greens, have agreed in their coalition agreement, to put in the future on other IT programs. “We have made the beginning of the end of Microsoft”, says Farid Müller (Green).

Microsoft exit: Hamburg wants is Digital sovereignty

the Background is that the coalition partners want to strengthen the so-called Digital sovereignty of the state. According to the media, Senator Carsten Brosda (SPD) is not the issue, among other things, that the municipal administration in terms of Software development, “will be unilaterally dependent.”

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On page 161 of the coalition Treaty, it is stated that an essential factor in the transparency of the technologies used in the insight into the Code of a Software is. “This transparency is given in the case of Open Source Software per se”, so Red-Green. That is why Hamburg is set in the future increasingly on the use of Open Source products.

For those who do not know so well: Who knows the source code, can also answer how much energy an application costs. “Currently, the digitalization of the major energy drivers in all areas, and here we need to know more, what we buy,” says Müller.

Hamburg wants to own IT programs to develop

Already in the last legislature the citizens had decided, for all of the citizenship of the members and staff a cloud-based System – Phoenix – following the example of Schleswig-Holstein, over the municipal IT service provider Dataport to introduce. “For a sustainable success of the project in Schleswig-Holstein and in the Hamburg Parliament, we want this step voluntarily in the Hamburg state administration, establish”, it is now in the coalition agreement.

Whether the switchover works, it will show. The Federal state of Bavaria has left Microsoft a few years ago also the back. Because the switch to open IT applications was, however, a pure case is returned to the free state and finally to the Gates of the company. This should not happen in Hamburg, that’s why the city wants to develop, among other things, also self-developed Software.

This article was written by Mike Schlink

*The post “Bye Bye, Bill Gates: Hamburg is planning the Microsoft-exit” will be released by Mopo. Contact with the executives here.
