“Around 12: 00 (local and GMT), unidentified armed individuals broke into the market of cattle Namoungou, a village in the commune of Fada n’gourma, and attacked the people,” said the governor, colonel Saidou Sanou, in a press release. According to him, “the provisional toll reported twenty persons killed and many injured”, “The attackers stormed the market on motorcycles and opened fire on the people”, told AFP an inhabitant of the locality. A sweep operation is underway in the area, said the colonel Sanou, inviting the population to the “greater vigilance but also to a close collaboration with the forces of defence and security”.

also Read Hubert Julien-Laferrière : “With nationals of Burkina faso, against terrorism ! “

Read also But where is the France in the Sahel ?

An attack which is not the first time

This deadly attack reminds the one of the market livestock Kompienbiga, also in the East of the country, which had made thirty of the dead at the end of may. The East and North of Burkina Faso are the most affected regions by the exactions jihadists who have made more than 1,100 people dead and more than a million displaced in the past five years. Under-equipped and poorly trained forces of the order of Burkina faso are unable to halt the spiral of violence, the jihadists, despite the help of foreign forces, in particular France, presents in the Sahel with 5100 men in the context of the operation antijihadiste Barkhane. The violence jihadists, mixed with inter-community conflicts, which touch the centre of the Sahel, have made a total of 4.000 dead in Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso in 2019, according to the UN.

Read also Peer de Jong : “France must remain in the Sahel”

writing will advise you

But where is the France in the Sahel ? Peer de Jong : “France must remain in the Sahel” Hubert Julien-Laferrière : “With nationals of Burkina faso, against terrorism ! “