The performance of carrier Zimmermann, a Long and Stoiber leave the TSV Ismaning.


Ismaning – In the voice of Christopher Ilg, grief mixes with excitement, when the coach of the TSV Ismaning says: “I personally believe that we played our last game in the secondary school hall already.” To do this, you need to know: In the venue – your hell South have celebrated the Isis handball players in the past decades, great success. Now, however, is in a fever, the Association of the opening of the new ball sports hall in the sports Park, which is to be the end of the year.

This means: the coach of The Ismaninger country League-handball player expects that the new season starts this year. The first point should be games in September. However, if the Corona-crisis permits, to the Bavarian football-Association that is still open (see box). Meanwhile, Christoph Ilg has aligned the preparation of his team, currently on a season starting in October. Means: Instead of in June, you will begin in mid-July with the first units.

This is, however, only a provisional one, emphasized the Coach. Largely fix is, which squad will be the TSV in the season will go. “Since we started, this time, fortunately, early on, to have conversations,” says Ilg. In comparison to previous years, the turnover in the squad this time manageable. As a new addition to the Team, knocking in Adrian Höge just. The right wing of the SG Süd Blumenau, have already been trained in the back round with the Isis, reported by Ilg.

on the part of the Disposals will leave the club three players, the loss of which “is sporty but also human serious,” admits the coach. Firstly, goalkeeper Georg Zimmermann pulls back, the was also for the mood in the cabin is extremely important. Its place will occupy Marcelo Miranda Jahn, already encountered in the spring to the Isis. Secondly, the captain goes overboard: a middle-man, Simon Lang is looking for a League higher in the case of HT, Munich (merger of TSV Unterhaching and SV-DJK Taufkirchen) a new challenge. “It was foreseeable that he wants to take this step,” says Ilg about the change Langs, he is off the field the best of friends. “I wish him well in Haching all Good.”

finish number three Fabian Stoiber – one of the most influential players in Ismaning, in the past almost 15 years (see Interview below). “It hurts, of course, very,” says Ilg. “However, he has announced his departure early, so that we could prepare ourselves.” Now, new arrival will close the gap in the Altitude right outside, including Victor Mansaré could play this Position, so Ilg.

the question of who will take over in place of the outgoing service provider, in the future, more responsibility – on and off the pitch. Here, the Coach sees “our team father,” Stefan Lattner in the duty, as well as Florian Elsinger and Jan Zobel. Overall, the Team is certainly not worse than a year ago, says Ilg – also with a view to Marcelo Miranda Jahn, Tom Notz and Lars Nickel, all of which are encountered in the course of the preseason squad. Accordingly, there is a place in the Top Three is the goal in the new season whenever it may start.

Not on Board with the land leaguers, meanwhile, Rudi’s Hot. He had taken the Team to the end of 2017, along with Ilg as a Trainer-Duo. Since then, it has drawn the Ismaninger veteran peu à peu back, he most recently operated as a team Manager. Now stop Hot completely and will take care of in Ismaning, Germany reinforced to the next generation. “I’m Rudi infinitely grateful for everything he has done for us,” says Christoph Ilg. “The time with him was very educational for me.”