After several days ‘ absence in the media, Juan Guaido, the leader of the opposition in venezuela, has appeared in videos released Saturday by relatives. On these images made public by his team and by the parliamentary allies, he wears gloves and a protective mask because of the pandemic of sars coronavirus. He is walking near a queue of vehicles in front of a service station, while greeting and talking with drivers.

The government had claimed this week that he had taken refuge in the embassy of France. An information denied by Paris. “Those who hide themselves, [ … ], $ 15 million reward for them. I am showing my face, ” says Juan Guaido on one of these videos, which it is not clear where or when they were shot. The american justice has promised at the end of march of $ 15 million reward for the capture of socialist president Nicolas Maduro, accused of ” narcoterrorism “.

The venezuelan president suggested Monday that Juan Guaido could be ” hidden in an embassy “. Three days later, his minister of foreign Affairs stated that the opponent was in “the embassy of France” and another opponent, Leopoldo Lopez, had found refuge at the residence of the ambassador of Spain. He demanded their arrest. “Juan Guaido is not located at the residence [of the ambassador] of France in Caracas “, exclaimed Friday the spokesman of the French ministry of foreign Affairs, Agnès von der Mühll. “It is not in any of our speakers” in Caracas, venezuela, she added, when questioned by Agence France-Presse, stressing that France had ” repeatedly confirmed to the venezuelan authorities “.

Read also Romain Nadal, the hair, the scratch of France in Venezuela

A deep economic crisis

The speaker of Parliament is sued in his country in a number of cases since it was proclaimed acting president of Venezuela in January 2019. But to this day, no order of arrest has not been made public. The attorney-general Tarek William Saab, accusing him of plotting an invasion attempt in early may with the complicity of the United States, and encourage actions to destabilize the regime.

As France and Spain, some fifty countries have recognized Juan Guaido as acting president, instead of Nicolas Maduro, elected head of State, according to them, in the middle of serious irregularities. Venezuela has been hit by a deep economic crisis, with many shortages, especially of fuel, a huge inflation and a collapse of public services. It nevertheless has the largest proven oil reserves in the world.

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