On Sunday, the severe weather caused flooded streets in Bavaria. Also the Start of the week is uncomfortable – the German weather service warns.

On the Sunday severe weather* made in Bavaria for flooded basements and flooded roads. Also the start of the week is uncomfortable – the German weather service warns. It threatens a Strong and continuous rain in the free state. Many more exciting tales from Bavaria and the regions in our App.

Official storm warning for several counties in the state of Bavaria: flood hazard

Update from 13.26 at: To the start of the week, warns the German weather service (DWD) once again. It is an official severe weather warning prior to the fertile period of rain is.

This applies to the districts of Traunstein, Berchtesgadener Land, Rosenheim, Ebersberg, Mühldorf am Inn and Altötting. For this purpose, the DWD announces: “According to previously observed amounts of precipitation of 20 to 30 l/m2 productive rain changing intensity. Again precipitation are expected in amounts of between 40 l/m2 and 60 l/m2.“ The warning is valid until Tuesday morning (16. June), 6 PM.

the dam breaking in the upper Palatinate: municipal part

Update 12.56 PM: a dam break flooded a District of the upper has been flooded Palatinate municipality of Vorbach (Landkreis Neustadt an der Waldnaab), in part. The passage of a nearby pond was broken on Monday against 2.15 PM, said a spokesman for the Integrated command and control centre to the North of upper Palatinate. “As a result, the Creek has become a raging torrent.” In the District of upper bibrach, the water had been at one time, more than a Meter high, such as a quarter of all the houses had been affected, according to the spokesman. Was injured, according to initial information nobody.

150 forces of the Bavarian Red cross , Technical assistance, water rescue and eleven fire brigades were therefore in use. Against 7.00 o’clock in the Morning, you have had the situation in control, the spokesman said. Due to bad weather, the station between Sunday had been alerted and Monday noon, a total of 137 Times.

Bad weather: Next DWD-warning for Bayern “According to previously observed …”

initial meld of 15. June, 11.16 PM: On Sunday (14. June) it came in Bavaria to severe storms.

weather in Bavaria: the DWD is warning of heavy rain, even hail is possible

And continue the DWD is warning of heavy rain in many Parts of Bavaria . Affected counties in Central Franconia (the district of Erlangen-Höchstadt, Fürth, Germany), Oberpfalz (Regensburg or Kelheim, Germany) up to upper Bavaria (Garmisch-Partenkirchen).

for This purpose, the DWD writes: “According to previously observed precipitation amounts of 15 to 25 l/m2 duration occurs rain of varying intensity. Again precipitation will be expected quantities of between 35 l/m2 50 l/m2.“ The warning also applies to early Tuesday morning (six o’clock). Individual severe weather events, and small-grained hail the forecasters expect in the North and East of Bavaria.

+ of The German weather service warns of continuous and heavy rain in Bavaria.©The German weather service

is Low over the English channel to Bavaria-can weather

Background for the current weather* according to the DWD, a Low over the English channel , currently the cool air of the Atlantic on Bayern warmer air from the South collide. The coming days should the sprinkler be: Such, according to DWD as of Wednesday, some sun, heavy rains are expected in cases, however, until the end of the week.

this weekend, rain flooded streets and flooded basements caused thunderstorms and strong. As News5 reported on Sunday evening, was particularly the Region around the upper Franconian Bayreuth affected. In the parts of the city Seulbitz and St. John’s were flooded streets, also in the basement were under water.

+ Again, a Thunderstorm with heavy rain: upper Franconia is fighting against the masses of water©NEWS5 / NEWS5 / Fricke

weather in Bavaria: accident in Bayreuth – Two people of the lightning

made In Bayreuth, there was a misfortune: During a joint walk in the evening, two people have been taken on Sunday from the flash . Against 18.45 a 22-year-old woman and her 29-year-old companion on the Röhrensee in Bayreuth were caught in a storm, as the police announced on Monday. The woman had suffered through the Blitz of severe burn injuries, the man was only slightly injured, it said. Both came to in a hospital. Whether the stroller by the same lightning were to hit, could not tell the police. Also the condition of the woman, the police had no further information.

came up with dpa

*Merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.