In the period from Friday, 29. May, 2020 00:00, until Tuesday, the 2. June 2020, 12:00, was provided to the notice Board in the Wöschenweg the direction of sandy Kruger street with letters.

In another case, in the period from Monday, 1. June 2020, 00:00 to Wednesday, 3. June 2020, 00:00, and several benches in the “farewell to the forest, the sandy jug” in Oldenburg way with different lettering from Graffiti-daubed.

asked to be witnesses, to put under the phone number 04431/941-115 with the police Wildeshausen in connection (613222).

note: The press release was on Friday, the 5. June 2020, without, however, photos published. It is not the new deeds.

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