A former NFL player for the New England Patriots is in his house had been shot. Apparently, it was not a random attack.

The former NFL player Reche Caldwell is dead. He was shot in his house. Apparently it was a targeted attack.

Tampa/Florida/USA – “We are in deep sorrow”, with these words, the NFL* Team of the New England Patriots responded to the message that your ex-Football-player rights Caldwell: has died. Particularly shocking are the circumstances under which the 41-Year-old the former Patriots player was killed, however.

Ex-NFL Star shot: He was in his house

According to the first findings has been shot Caldwell in his home in Tampa, Florida, in cold blood. According to a report by the American portal TMZ. Compared to the News page is also the mother of NFL player who once played alongside Star Quarterback Tom Brady* confirmed, the death of her son.

Accordingly, was shot in Caldwell on Saturday. According to the mother of the 41 want to open the door-Year-old is currently with his girlfriend on a Date. As he went back into the house to get his jacket, he was then attacked by people who were out of the bushes jumped, reported the girlfriend. Your information to the attackers wanted to Rob Caldwell.

Ex-Football player shot and killed: police say: Not a chance

The attack escalated, apparently, As the police at the house, Caldwell’s arrived you found the NFL Star with gunshot wounds in the leg and in the chest in the front yard of the house. Still on the ground, the officers began life-saving measures. Then Caldwell was taken by ambulance to the hospital died on the way to his injuries.

The police, meanwhile, does not expect that it was in the attack to be random. Accordingly, Caldwell could be the victim of a targeted attack. The investigation into the case to run.

The New England Patriots, mourned via Twitter to Caldwell. She wrote to a picture in black-and-white: “We are in deep mourning as we learn of the death of former patriot Reche Caldwell. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends“.

the Ex-Patriots player Aaron Hernandez caused quite a stir. He ended up convicted of crimes in prison and died there.*


*tz.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.