A sheet avalanche vacationers clogged the streets in the district of Miesbach – buses no longer come through. In part, the police must intervene.

In the County Miesbach the traffic chaos on Friday (12. June) big. Many hikers make on long weekend on the way in the recreational areas. In part, the police has to intervene.

Miesbach – The police knew what comes to you. After almost a week of wet and cold, the clouds tore open on Thursday evening. The Friday, that was clear, would bring blue skies and heat. For the official the was More stripes, increased attention. The traffic chaos , which swept over the district on the Sunny long weekend , you couldn’t prevent it.

+ ©Thomas Plettenberg

traffic chaos in Miesbach: 200 excursionists beaches with BRB in Schliersee: rail replacement is not

Friday, 10 p.m.: On the transport card on the Internet, the streets in the direction of the recovery color areas of deep red. Traffic jam in the direction of Hausham , Schliersee, Bayrischzell . Slow-moving traffic in Hundham , Fischbachau . “Especially in the trip areas a lot is going on,” confirms a spokesman for the police. “The buses have big problems.”

+ ©Thomas Plettenberg

How big, the wall Parking birch stone in Fischbachau. There, mayor John Lohwasser just completed a photo shoot, when suddenly the Bus gets stuck. “Two wrong Parker have him blocked,” reports Lohwasser. The police have to help. “Is blocked by travel, we tow,” says the spokesman. “Thanks to you, we will give you a ticket.” The officials try to control all the places. But you can’t be everywhere at the same time. And you are even in a traffic jam.

+ ©Thomas Plettenberg

The jam meets the travelling with public transport. George Weinert (40) waits to 9 PM as one of around 200 passengers, in vain, on the rail replacement service in Schliersee. The native of Schliersee, now living in Munich, had travelled with the Bavarian regional railroad (BRB). Due to construction sites, this is currently only to Schliersee. The Rest of the route to Bayrischzell, the rail replacement bus (SEV) takes over. With this, Wagner wanted to go Hiking in the mountains. However, because the train is crowded from Munich hit the road and get in and out on the road have taken longer, has declared the BRB to Schliersee late and missed the SEV, BRB, managing Director of the Fabian Amini. Although the BRB has sent more buses to the reinforcement. But the are also in a traffic jam.

+ ©Thomas Plettenberg

So, Weinert, and the other passengers to wait without any info on the station . Also, the Hotline of the BRB do not know when the buses through the traffic jam. Some hikers do it on foot in the direction of Neuhaus, in order to find a Bus. “There was a migration of peoples along the national road,” says Weinert. “This can’t be the target.” After an hour, he gets to wait in the bus to Spitzingsee . On the way to the rail replacement coming out to meet him.

+ ©Thomas Plettenberg

“It is a pity,” says Weinert, who, as a native of the upper Landler and current Munich , both sides. “People scold, mainly due to traffic on the tourist . But if you want to make it better and go by train, you are punished.“ Straight to the SEV is not reliable in the County.

will Also expect the rest of the weekend in Bavaria, a day rush. Some mountain bikers also remains the Worry.

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