In Mali, the plan to end the crisis presented by the Community of States of West Africa ( Ecowas), was not convinced. Not only is the opposition persists and signs demanding the departure of the head of State Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta, but it now requires that the Prime minister Boubou Cisse to leave its functions. Other setbacks : of deputies have refused to comply with the request of resignation of the Member in West Africa. The situation has exacerbated to such a point that the opposition called already to a “second phase of civil disobedience” since the beginning of the next week.

Read also: Mali “Custom, the institutions have suffered the décrédibilisation of those who embody”

The response of the opposition to the plan of the Ecowas

Gathered Monday at the extraordinary summit, the leaders of the Community of States of West Africa had approved a series of recommendations to resolve the political crisis facing Mali since June. They had ruled out the forced departure of president Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta, known as ” IBK “and appealed to” the sacred union ” of Malians that the country does not fall into chaos. They had also brandished the threat of “sanctions” for the recalcitrant.

Two days later, they have failed to convince the opposition, which leads in the last two months the broader movement of contestation of power in Mali since the coup d’état of 2012. “The only word order remains the resignation of IBK and his regime “, said to the press, one of the leaders of the opposition coalition of the M5-RFP, Choguel Maïga.

“The solutions are half-hearted will not be able to solve the problem of mali,” added Ibrahim Ikassa Maïga, one of the leaders of this alliance motley, which brings together religious and political leaders, as well as members of civil society.

The Prime minister, Boubou Cisse, said Tuesday afternoon that the opposition was “strongly desired” within the national unity government he has been tasked to train.

He had then visited the home of the figurehead of the movement, imam Mahmoud Dicko, to ask him to “get involved” for the M5-RFP to accept this outstretched hand.

” I asked him to give his resignation, so that we can form a true government of national unity “, said the religious leader during the press conference of the opposition.

” Mali is neither a people submitted and resigned himself. It is not necessary that one seeks to distract us, ” added the imam Dicko. “It is necessary to restore the nation of mali for Malians and for Malians “, he added, in a critique of the initiatives foreign.

also Read Mali : IBK load a cabinet restricted to form a government of national unity

deputies pushed to the resignation

The plan to end the crisis, Ecowas had suffered another blow earlier in the afternoon, when thirty deputies, whose election is contested, have announced that they refused to resign as requested by the leaders in west africa.

” We discussed and we’re not going to resign. Our constitution is being violated by the declaration of the Ecowas, ” said to the press, an mp from the main opposition party, the Union for the republic and democracy (URD), Gougnon Coulibaly.

one of The triggers of the current crisis has been the invalidation at the end of April by the constitutional Court for a thirty results of the parliamentary elections of march-April, including a dozen in favour of the presidential majority.

This decision, adding to the climate of exasperation fed for years by the instability will be safe in the centre and the north of the country, the economic slump or a corruption, considered endemic, have resulted in a series of demonstrations to demand the resignation of the head of State.

On July 10, the third of these protests against the government escalated into three days of unrest murderers in Bamako, the worst in the capital since 2012. The “immediate resignation” of these members of parliament, including the speaker of Parliament, Moussa Timbiné, and the organization of the partial legislative, are part of the measures recommended by the Ecowas.

The opposition has pointed out that the regional organization was calling for the kind gesture not intended by the Constitution, so that it is opposed to the resignation of president Keita in the name of respect of the Constitution.

Read also malian Crisis : extraordinary summit of Ecowas on Monday, July 27

writing will advise you

Mali : how did it come to this ? Mali : “It is really unfortunate to mix the Forsat on considerations of a political” Crisis in Mali : extraordinary summit of Ecowas on Monday 27 July in Mali : IBK load a cabinet restricted to form a government of national union of Five african heads of State at the bedside of the Mali crisis in Mali : “Custom, the institutions have suffered the décrédibilisation of those who embody them “