The Community of States of West Africa (Ecowas) has demonstrated firmness in threatening this Monday, July 27, sanctions opponents of his plan to end the crisis in Mali, which provides for the continuance in power of president Keita, but advocates the rapid establishment of a national unity government including the opposition and elections. Meanwhile, the mobilization did not weaken, the movement challenging the M5-RFP continues to demand the resignation of the leader of mali and called for new demonstrations starting from next Monday, or after the great muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, scheduled for 31 July.

It must be said that the two mediation missions conducted by the ex-nigerian president Goodluck Jonathan and by the following five heads of State, Muhammadu Buhari, Mahamadou Issoufou, Alassane Ouattara, Nana Akufo-Addo and Macky Sall in Bamako, last week, have not yielded the expected results.

also Read “What has abandoned the political man, a malian, it really is morals and ethics”

The time is running out for the Ecowas

Then, the 15 heads of State of Ecowas, at the end of the virtual summit, have raised the tone and provided a regime of sanctions ” against those who will do acts that are contrary to the process of standardization “, to implement it before Friday, said at the conclusion of the work the chairman of the regional organization, the head of State of niger Mahamadou Issoufou. In opening the summit, he asked his peers to adopt solutions that are strong for a speedy end to the crisis “and called for a” sacred union of all Malians. “

In any case, the summit endorsed the recommendations of the mediation led by the Ecowas under the auspices of the former nigerian president, Goodluck Jonathan, who have not so far received the approval of the motion on 5-June (M5-RFP), which calls for the month of June the resignation of the head of State of mali, Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta, he explained. A worsening of the situation in Bamako would have repercussions in the neighbouring countries such as Niger and Burkina Faso, also theatres of attacks by jihadist murderers, ” and even beyond “, warned the head of State of niger.

” The time is short and the risks are great. So we need to get out of this extraordinary summit with sustainable solutions and strong decisions, to ensure the stability of Mali and, therefore, of the region, ” he said.

the ivorian president, Alassane Ouattara, “the credibility of the Ecowas is involved in this crisis,” he justified, adding : “We are on the side of the malian people, but we are not on the side of the disorder. “

The president IBK attack the imam Dicko

Taking then the word from his palace in Koulouba, on the hills of Bamako, the malian president Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, known as ” IBK “, has blasted a “coup creeping” led by an opposition guided by an influential religious leader, imam Mahmoud Dicko, and desirous, according to him, to question the secularism of the country. The head of the malian State did not mince his words against his former ally. “This is the ransom of war of the imam Dicko, a crime unpardonable,” he pressed.

Read also : Mali opposition malian said ” no “to the Ecowas

The Ecowas maintains its plan

To exit out of the crisis, the trigger is a controversial decision of the constitutional Court, which has been revised in part, the results of the general elections of march-April, these demands include the” immediate resignation of the 31 mps whose election is contested, including the chairman of the Parliament, ” Moussa Timbiné, said the chairman of Ecowas.

On July 10, the third major demonstration against the government had degenerated into three days of unrest murderers in Bamako, the worst in the capital since 2012, which have been between 11 and 23 deaths.

The majority of the president Keïta will have to ” make every effort to obtain this resignation will pave the way for elections “. In the meantime, the Parliament “will be able to work with the 116 remaining mps,” said Mahamadou Issoufou. “Mali is now in need of a national Assembly that is consistent with the results of the legislative elections, a national unity government, a new constitutional Court (and) an investigation into the events of 10, 11 and 12 of July “, he further stated.

The summit also calls for a “redial” of the constitutional Court “, of which 3 members selected by the Parliament will be appointed after the resignation of the 31 seats contested. In the event of a deadlock, the president Keïta will be able to appoint the 9 members of the Court, he said.

According to the plan already presented, the heads of State also called on Monday for the ” speedy establishment of a government of national unity with the participation of the opposition and the civil society “. They “encourage” in particular, the movement of the 5 of June to “participate” in this executive ” in a spirit of patriotism “.

The ministers of peerage ” will be appointed prior to the formation of a government of national union “, explained the president in exercise of Ecowas, citing ” Defence, Justice, foreign Affairs, internal Security and Finance “.

The videoconferencing, a format unprecedented in this crisis, which began around 10: 30 GMT and ended about three hours later.

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writing will advise you

Mali : how did it come to this ? Mali : opposition malian said ” no “to the Ecowas” that has abandoned the political man, a malian, it really is morals and ethics ” Covid-19 : Africa, you said mystery ?