The swiss justice can it be put in review three individuals and one bank and continue to save the man who is at the centre of proceedings for “money laundering aggravated” ? Namely, the former king Juan Carlos, who has left Spain this week to ” save the monarchy “. As the prosecutor of geneva Yves Bertossa remains convinced that the $ 100 million paid in 2008 by saudi Arabia and the Spanish king are related to the award of a high-speed line between Medina and Mecca to Spanish companies. The nose to the beard of the French, known to be more efficient.

indeed, for there to be money laundering, he must, in advance, provide evidence of a corruption, of criminal origin. The problem is that, to hear Juan Carlos, the magistrate of geneva was, until now, to make a request for assistance to Spain. But Madrid could refuse, entrenching themselves behind the immunity of the king emeritus. Now in exile, the former monarch no longer enjoys the same protections. The Tribune of Geneva, all the same noted that the dominican Republic, where Juan Carlos may be a refugee, does not have an extradition treaty with Switzerland. If swiss justice comes to be put in consideration the former king, she could very well launch an international arrest warrant against him. In short, the departure of Juan Carlos in the palace of the Zarzuela and Spanish does not end to his setbacks in the courts.

The king of Spain with a suitcase of tickets

as the folder goes up. The $ 100 million “gift” to the king Abdullah of saudi Arabia, that was hiding Juan Carlos to Geneva, via the foundation Lucum, domiciled in Panama, has added a “gift” of Hamed bin Issa Al Khalifa, king of Bahrain, two million dollars. Detail crisp, the sovereign, trusting little to his impunity, was carrying himself with a suitcase full of banknotes in the streets of the city of Calvin in 2010.

now, the daily Time of Lausanne which mentions the foundation Zagatka, created in 2003 in Liechtenstein by Alvaro d’orléans, a cousin of Juan Carlos, responsible to pay for his jet travel, in order to prevent him from moving with the common man on the flight line. However, Zagatka and its founder are not in the line of sight of the justice of geneva. In addition, The Time, putting the conditional evokes a payment of $ 5 million, coming this time from Kuwait. This “gift” would have landed, as usual, on the account of the foundation Lucum open to the private bank Mirabaud.

Read also : Spain Juan Carlos, a leak on the bottom of the scandals

65 million euros for a mistress

The property is put on prevention of money laundering by Yves Bertossa. The prosecutor accuses him of having accepted $ 100 million without asking too many questions about their provenance. While Juan Carlos was a personality exposed. The other defendants ? A lawyer of geneva, which created the foundation Lucum, an officer of the financial corporation Rhone Management, a director of the foundation, and princess Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, original Danish, the former mistress of the king of Spain.

In 2012, while Spain has been a terrible recession, the sovereign is up for hunting elephant in Botswana. The bank Mirabaud begins to worry for his reputation. She advised Juan Carlos of change of dairy. This last farm Lucum, and shall pay to Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein what remains of the “gift” of the king of saudi Arabia, namely € 65 million. The princess soon the mother lode in the subsidiary of the bank Gonet, another institution in switzerland, in the Bahamas. The Tribune de Genève said that another mistress of Juan Carlos, a Geneva-based, would not have recovered, she, as an unfortunate small million euros…

For the moment, the old king, aged 82, is neither accused nor even suspected by the swiss justice. With good lawyers, he will be able to wait for a good time. His former mistress did not seem very in a hurry as the palace of justice in Geneva to transmit to the judiciary the Spanish banking documents relating to it. It may already oppose it to the cantonal level. If she does not get gain of cause, use at the federal level in federal criminal Court. What precious months. This is when the prescription ?

writing will advise you

Arthur Chevallier – Why the torments of the Spanish monarchy are of concern to us