Two birds with one stone has hit the TSV Isen.

Isen – “The idea is the one to Implement the other,” says Annegret Wilke, Department head Volleyball Isen TSV and trainer of the women’s team. You had Isen to the idea of a special fundraising campaign with the title “TSV – Corona 1:0”, which is now to me very great success has been completed.

“I was thinking how to support people during the Corona-crisis or reward,” says Wilke. “The a, for example, in the super markets, tying as the Insane, the others have and are allowed to do nothing.” You have given some thought to how to say thank you, and could help, and I finally tried to collect money. “We have launched a call for donations on all channels on Facebook, Instagram and the Isen App,” says the Volleyball-head of Department – and was thrilled by the response. “2000 euros donated by the citizens of our municipality, the smallest amount was ten Euro, which went up to 200 Euro.” The TSV Isen to its Chairman Lutz Seeger put on it spontaneously is still 500 euros.

Now it came to the implementation of the action, and as we went to third,“ says Wilke. To third “” – the goods, in addition to her Judo-head of Department Katrin Hattayer and the equality Ombudsman of the TSV Isen, Pamela Rückert. The Trio went on his way “and on the search for our everyday heroes”, as described by Wilke. A total of 125 people have driven the three TSV-representatives-up. “That was wonderful, so we had each a voucher to the value of 20 Euro.”

Now the second part of the task came from. All women and men to get a coupon, they were allowed to wish for, of which Isener business. “And that was really lovely,” says Wilke. “Not only that, the number of vouchers was a perfect fit, the wishes of the recipient reflected a picture of the Isener shops.” So in the end, almost all the shops of the market town, were taken into account and thus is a quasi-two birds with a single stone. “Everybody was happy to see crazy, as we have handed over the vouchers,” says the organizer of the action that would expressly like to thank all the donors and helpers.

TSV Isen has created on his web page at also a small Overview of what operations are supported and for which holdings, the everyday heroes are too busy. Wilkes pleasing conclusion: “From TSV Isen – Corona 1:0 become Isen TSV – Corona 2500:0.” Idea implemented perfectly.
