In Tegernsee groan you loudly about the excursionists power to the Corona Show in Schliersee, as well. Also Bayrischzell is a popular destination for motorized is with Wendelstein and Sudelfeld. And, in a measure, the municipality is now forced to Act.

bumper-to-bumper have been pushed in the past few weeks, the days of the tourists through the district and often unflattering comments from Locals are. Also Bayrischzells mayor Georg kitten Rainer (CSU), ringing is currently often the phone, and his E-Mail Inbox is full with questions from guests and Locals, such as the municipality intends to do with the tourist flow in the future, deal with it. The conflict-Laden word “over tourism” haunts, under the tourism core – a new phenomenon, the leisure regions when the weather is nice collapse can. To counter this, would like to relieve the Wendelstein municipality in collaboration with the Alpine region of Tegernsee-Schliersee (ATS) in a pilot project, at least the local Parking situation.

A double-edged sword. “We live from tourism and hospitality”, – said the kitten Rainer recently in the municipal Council. He warned, to see tourism as a Problem, “which consists of sheet metal of avalanches blocked roads and garbage on Hiking trails, and Parking lots”.

kitten Rainer is afraid of the tendency that the mood could tip within the population to the Negative. The Church is not trying to figure out, but on the socio-cultural question, but thoughts on how you can be Lord of the Situation on the ground. And so the mayor asked, now in the municipal Council: “What can we do to relax them?”

for This purpose he had invited Stephanie Hintermayr. Bayrischzells tourism Director works on a concept for the local Parking situation on weekends. Hintermayr but wanted to calm down first of all: The increased rush of the past few weeks is due, in their opinion, the Corona-crisis. Because trips abroad were not possible, have people spent their free days in the Region.

Also, she breaks a lance for tourism: “It is important for our County.” In the year 2019, approximately 8.3 million euros from the money of the day guests are gone to Bayrischzell. The Problem: 69 percent of the guests travel by car. In Bayrischzell, the volume of traffic on corpus Christi, led the weekend, to crowded Parking lots, especially in Geitau, at Seeberg as well as the Stocker-Parking space in the Ursprungtal. “The latter was previously utilized only by cross-country skiers in the Winter,” said Hintermayr.

Generally it will need a change in Mobility due to the Expansion of public TRANSPORT and Bicycle paths to the “Parking shortage,” said the tourism Director. Responsibilities of the district, such as kitten, Rainer noted. “More Parking and more roads, as has been done in the past for space reasons at some point in the past.”

in the long term, a Parking guidance system in need of it, therefore, believes the mayor. In the short term, the municipality is aiming to Bayrischzell no technical solution, but a flesh-and-blood: with Park service personnel. This should be on the focal points and days in use. Similar to the cross-country trails for your Winter to students and student control, with the support of the so-called Rangers of the tourism company’s ATS to the visit to the richest days between July and September in use.

How to Hintermayr said, you are the famous Parking in Bayrischzell Osterhofen and Geitau is ready – less as a Parking attendant, but rather as an Info-staff conceded the three Euro Parking fee, but guests are also welcomed, all cars in a space-saving device, as well as the Flyer “are interconnected together, then hands over to behave in the mountains” with info on the wall.