Algeria would not relinquish the use of controversial of chloroquine in the treatment of coronavirus, despite the decision of the world health Organization (WHO) to suspend the clinical trials, said Tuesday a member of the monitoring committee of the pandemic. “We have treated thousands of cases with this drug with much success to date. And we have not noted any adverse reactions “, said to AFP the Dr. Mohamed Bekkat, a member of the scientific committee to follow the evolution of the pandemic Covid-19 in Algeria. “We have not recorded any deaths related to the use of chloroquine,” said Dr. Bekkat, who is also president of the Council of the college of physicians algerians.

Read also Coronavirus : Algeria adopts the chloroquine for severe cases

Algeria ruling

Algeria was decided in late march to care for patients with the new coronavirus with a double treatment of chloroquine and azithromycin, an antibiotic. Since then, more than 15 000 people contaminated or suspected of being, have received treatment with hydroxychloroquine, according to Dr. Djamel Fourar, spokesman for the committee for scientific monitoring of the evolution of the pandemic.

WHO announced on Monday that it had suspended “temporarily” clinical trials with hydroxychloroquine it has with its partners in several countries, as a precautionary measure. This decision follows the publication in the medical journal the Lancet of a study deeming it ineffective, or even harmful, the use of chloroquine or its derivatives, such as hydroxychloroquine, against the new coronavirus.

For Dr. Bekkat, this study “is confusing” because it seems to concern the serious cases for which hydroxychloroquine is no help “. “It should be noted that the use of chloroquine by arab and african countries has proved to be effective when it is used early on “, he explained. Algeria is one of the most affected countries in Africa by the virus. In total, 8 503 cases and 609 deaths have been officially recorded since the 25th of February.

Read also Covid-19 : the choice to be a double-edged sword of chloroquine by Africa

writing will advise you

The coronavirus upsets also clinical trials of drugs Coronavirus : Algeria adopts the chloroquine for severe cases “If the virus is not defeated in Africa, the whole world will be in danger” Covid-19 : the choice to be a double-edged sword of chloroquine by the Africa Didier Raoult, at the crossroads of Africa and of the science Algeria : “The challenges are avenues to reform our health-care system “