The epidemic of Covid-19 did not fail in Brazil, which has surpassed Thursday, June 11, the threshold of 40, 000 deaths on its territory. More exactly, 40 919 deaths have been recorded in this country of 212 million people, of which 1 239 during the past 24 hours. At this rate, he should soon overtake the United Kingdom (41 292 deaths) and become the second country the most grief-stricken by the epidemic. In total, 802 828 contamination have been identified, which puts it in second place worldwide behind the United States.

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Brazil has recorded 30 412 new infections, but most experts believe that official figures are largely underestimated for lack of tests is sufficient. Latin America and the Caribbean harboured Thursday 1 509 813 reported cases of coronavirus, according to a count by Agence France-Presse established on the basis of official figures. Become the epicenter of the pandemic, the region has registered a total of 73 602 deaths Covid-19. At this stage, Brazil has recorded 195 deaths of the Covid-19 per million people, according to the ministry of Health, compared to 342 for the United States, and 565 for Italy.

re-opening of shopping centres

The State of Sao Paulo, the richest and most populous country, where the first cases of Brazil appeared on the 26th of February, has also crossed a significant threshold Thursday, more than 10 000 deaths (10 145), for 162 520 confirmed cases. This has not prevented the re-opening of shopping centres in the megacity, with many restrictions and reduced hours on the eve of the “Day of Lovers”, the equivalent of Valentine’s day in Brazil, the day of buying frenzy. Wednesday, the shops facing the street had already reopened, causing large gatherings in the areas of popular commerce.

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malls have also resumed their activities in Rio de Janeiro, the second State is the most affected with 7 363 deaths and 75 775 confirmed cases. Security officers took the temperature of the customers at the entrance and the parking lots have not been permitted to operate at only a third of their capacity. The president of extreme right-wing Jair Bolsonaro has continued to downplay the magnitude of the pandemic, calling the Covid-19 “small flu”. He calls regularly to the resumption of economic activities, and asked the bosses for a “war” against the governors of the States, having taken containment measures.

Production of a vaccine

on Thursday morning, on the famous Copacabana beach, the mecca of tourism in Rio de Janeiro, the NGO Rio de Paz has dug symbolically a hundred tombs in the sand to pay homage to the dead of the coronavirus and to protest against the”incompetence” of the government. “We are here to make a change in the attitude of the president of the Republic, who must understand that our nation is facing at the moment the most difficult in its history”, has declared to the Agency France-Presse, Antonio Carlos Costa, the president of the NGO.

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on Wednesday night, the legislative Assembly of Rio de Janeiro has launched an impeachment process against the governor of Rio, Wilson Witzel, who is suspected of being involved in a network of diversion of funds dedicated to the fight against the sars coronavirus. On Thursday, the governor of Sao Paulo, Joao Doria, has announced the signing of a technology transfer agreement with the chinese laboratory Sinovac Biotech, for the production of a vaccine, which will be tested with 9 000 brazilian volunteers in July. “Studies have shown that this vaccine could be distributed by June 2021 (if the tests prove conclusive). This agreement will allow us to produce large-scale and immunize millions of Brazilians”, he said.

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Baverez, The tragedy of the brazilian