In the research of the Coronavirus, there are new insights. Baden-württemberg University hospitals have found that children are less likely to get infected.

The Corona-pandemic particularly children , since schools and kindergartens have been temporarily closed. A new study from Baden-Württemberg want to now have found out that children become infected less frequently. Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmer referred to the findings as a basis for further decisions. Here you will find the basic facts to the Coronavirus * and the map of the current case numbers in Germany*.

Stuttgart – children to put to a study from Baden-Württemberg, according to the probably rare with the Coronavirus than their parents. You are not therefore to be regarded as a driver of the infection wave , said Klaus-Michael Debatin , medical Director of the children’s hospital at the University hospital in Ulm. The examination was on Tuesday (16. June) in Stuttgart presented.

Approximately 5,000 people no Corona symptoms were tested for the study on the Virus and antibodies against it: round 2.500 children under ten years of age and a parent. The study has not been published yet in a scientific journal.

Coronavirus: a New study shows that children are less likely to get infected than their parents

In the three-week study period of 22. April to 15. May part was just a parent-child-Pair of acutely infected. 64 Tested had developed antibodies, and largely unnoticed, a Corona-infection, which corresponds to a frequency of 1.3% .

Including 45 adults and 19 kids were . The adults studied were more anti-body as the children. In addition, the study found that children in Notbetreuungen were not infected more often than others. Therefore, children are not to be considered as drivers of the infection, concluded Debatin.

“The data together with the results of other studies from home and abroad to estimate what is the role of children in the spread of the coronavirus pandemic play,” says Debatin on. “Overall, children seem not only less likely to COVID-to are 19 develop , which is already longer known, but also rare due to the SARS-CoV-2-Virus infected.”

New Coronavirus study: infectious children are, is still unclear

the question remains, however, as infective that are children, so how heavily you spread the Virus. You have not studied, the study specifically said, Hans-Georg Kräusslich, a spokesman for the centre for infectious diseases at Heidelberg University hospital. You could also pair the positively tested, parent-child, no General statement about the meeting, who is the person who has .

+ Hans-Georg Kräusslich at the Government press conference of Baden-Württemberg to Corona©dpa / Christoph Schmidt

The assessment of role of children in the spread of the Virus is a crucial factor in the reopening of kindergartens and primary schools. “The study provides reliable data for unrecognized infection to happen in the case of parents and children between one and ten years, Baden-Württemberg . On this basis, we can be responsible for further opening steps from daycare and elementary schools,“ commented Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann the result.

On Tuesday (16. June) was presented to the new Corona-Warning-App. The Minister of health, Jens Spahn, named also weaknesses of the App.

Worldwide research is being done* to be able to the Corona-pandemic containment. Virologist Dr. Christian Drosten* is one of the most important Corona experts. In his Podcast he recently spoke about possible mutations in the Coronavirus*.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.