As a backdrop for a Mystery series, the home of the artist, Bo Strong in king’s village now served. A Visit To.

king village – High wooden dormers, historical furniture, old wall-high images, here and there, a few cobwebs and a thin layer of dust observed on the charming decorations, such as lamp shades with ruffles or numerous Rehgeweihen, the one coming from the ceiling. This almost painted looking backdrop is the home of the king dorfer artist Bo Strong. She lives here companions together with your life and your children. The 300-year old courtyard in the Tölzer Land is a Magnet for camera-Teams. For “Hubert and Staller” were already beaten work.

Now a Film Team from RTL II took advantage of the unique setting for a new Format: “We are working on a pilot project for a new Mystery series,” reveals the Director and producer Holger Frick.

Once upon a time he fell in love with the idyllic courtyard with the pretty winding house. However, upon closer examination of the subject research, he discovered in one of the attic rooms Starkers people high doll house. “This is something I did not expect at all. I was totally fascinated,“ he says with a smile on his face.

especially in the Mystery Genre dolls are popular. “They have a symbolic meaning,” says Frick. Full of enthusiasm, he decided that the already finished script needs to be rewritten. “I had to use just. So the doll house has been given a more Central role in the Film-plot“ reveals the Director, who is in Munich, the production company Superama.

For the rotation, almost nothing had to be changed to work. Props? Fail display. “Have not used at all, well, I’ve got everything here,” says Strong, and laughs.

series may be broadcast in the autumn of 2020 already

to see what is the Format of the new Horror series, then, exactly, is not clear at this point in time. “We deal now with the pilot project, everything else will arise from this,” says the Director. More concrete was not yet ripe for. And then he can be a Information from the nose: “If everything goes according to Plan, it could even be that the series will be broadcast in the autumn of 2020 already.”

For the artist, even the enthusiasm in your doll’s house was nothing New: “in 2016, it was part of my exhibition “Bo Starkers fairy-tale world,” in bad tölz town Museum. Next year I’ll lend it to a Studio in New York,“ said Strong with a Twinkle in her piercing green eyes.

Just that the doll’s house, which was once a Hobby, has such an attraction to many art lovers in all industries, says the King Carinthian group is made up, which is actually specializes in portraits.

Because the miniature house that belongs to her daughter, is practically bursting with private impressions. The device, for example, consists largely of substances and materials, which are also in your real home.

Bo Strong: the doll’s house-the inhabitants symbolize people in your life

The residents are all alter Egos of Starkers life. How about the sympathetic “Mr Bomms “, a moss green potato-like figure that symbolizes her father. “Of him I have the artistic vein, and the slope to the old stuff. He was an antique dealer in the former GDR,“ she says. “I was floors up with him as a child, often on a myriad of roof, and we were looking for our treasures together,” recalls Strong, and looks reverently at a large photo of her now deceased father, which is centrally placed on a massive Cabinet. “Here he watches over everything”, she says and adds, laughing: “now, where in my Atelier for a Mystery strip is rotated.”

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