Schleswig-Holstein will be discussed, a reservation App for the beach visit, the East Frisian Islands to put on a prohibition of entry for day guests. The goal is the same: to help in Corona-times a safe holiday with enough distance.

Norderney/Kampen (dpa) – Such images should not be repeated: Even when the day of Pentecost were mostly quiet, made reports of crowded beaches, for example, on the island of Sylt and in Scharbeutz the round.

Coulter user mayor was on whit Monday afternoon forced the place on the Bay of lübeck for days to block guests. Two days earlier, the people in the three-digit number were on the island of Sylt in a toilet at the Kampen beach transition.

in Order to draw in the summer of expected flows of holidaymakers and Day-trippers, the places on the North sea and the Baltic sea have to think of some: of Park signage, floor stickers with the clearance rules, a one-way street systems, on the beach, to the beach Apps.

Digital solutions

Schleswig-Holstein, for example, is the binding of larger crowds of people in holiday resorts and beaches on digital solutions. At the Bay of lübeck is a so-called beach App developed is just. A real App is not, says the application, as Doris Wilmer-Huperz, spokesperson for the tourism Agency, Bay of lübeck, Bay. It is planned to design an Internet platform that works in principle, as the online booking of the theatre space.

day-trippers can view, which is the section of the beach is already full and you still have a Ticket book. Holidaymakers who have booked a stay in one of the places that participate, may as well as residents and second home owners is always to the beach. “It’s a Service for the tourists,” says the spokeswoman. Because that’s how you avoid the frustration, early in the morning, for example, in Hamburg launch and are not allowed on the beach.

No App duty in North Frisia

The beaches at the Bay of lübeck are rather narrow, and also during the day, guests popular – compliance with the spacing rules is harder than, for example, on the North Frisian Islands or in St. Peter-Ording. Responsible from waving here because the beaches were wide enough to go out of the way. A beach-to give it here. Also in Schleswig-Holstein tourism Minister Bernd Buchholz (FDP) emphasized that there is no obligation App.

Also on the island of Usedom in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern doesn’t have an App planned. It looks on Usedom almost from Corona: a queue of cars on the streets, many passers-by on the promenade and on the beach, cyclists, well-occupied sidewalk cafes. “Our beaches are full,” says the Chairman of the tourism Association of the island of Usedom, Nadine Riethdorf. Access restrictions should not exist, but: “The beach is a common good.” You don’t be it happens that she was there, brought someone to 1.50 metres “on the peel”. Unlike in the state of Schleswig-Holstein apply in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, nor prohibitions of entry for day visitors from other Federal States.

banning of day-trippers on the East Frisian Islands

Also on the East Frisian Islands of Norderney and Borkum, neither management nor the beach, reservations are provided. “We still have a corrective: the prohibition of same-day tourists”, says the managing Director of the tourism society, East-Frisian Islands. “As long as we have no day-trippers, we have, in principle, no overuse on the beach.” Especially since the beaches are large enough to have beach chairs set up in a sufficient distance. While on the Islands as in the rest of lower Saxony gradual relaxations are done – first of all, apartments were rented, then and holidaymakers in Hotels should be held on the day of tourism, prohibition, first, declares the mayor of the city of Norderney, Frank Ulrich (independent). “When the weather is nice, they come by the hundreds and hundreds.” Up to 10,000 are there days some Weekend.

Over the ascension weekend and Pentecost, it also has on the North Frisian Islands and in St. Peter-Ording and re-entry bans for day-trippers given. According to the organizers, this has worked quite well. However, no such restrictions are in the tourist Hotspots in the state of Schleswig-Holstein currently planned. It is clear, however, it should be highly controlled. “That all lie closely Packed in the sardine can, it will not give in to us,” said Schleswig-Holstein’s Minister-President Daniel Günther (CDU) recently, the “daily mirror”.

self-responsibility of the guest

asked The tourism chief of Rostock-Warnemünde, Matthias Fromm, is happy with the Start of the season: “It’s nice to be able to us again as the host present.” Pictures of the overfull warning, caused mouths Promenade for discussions of the security, he is aware of. A strict action against violations of the spacing rules would be unrealistic. Even if Strandvögte and bathrooms service the police are in use, should be built on the own responsibility of the guests.

“We need to ensure that all parties Involved handle the tourism in a respectful and responsible to each other,” says the cooling Borner tourism-Chef Ulrich Langer. The same is true on the beach. “People can go out of the way, if you want,” says Long. “You have to want it, too.”

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