Due to Corona stranded in a distant Land – this fear to take advantage of the Lufthansa passengers. The head of the group, promises a return flight guarantee, probably in order to get the plane back in full.

Berlin (dpa) – With a “flight guarantee” to face up to the Lufthansa fears of traveling in the Corona-crisis. You want to introduce a “Home-Coming-warranty,” said group CEO Carsten Spohr “the Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper”.

“Who wants to bring back back to Germany, we. It was because he was not allowed to travel due to increased temperature at the destination, he should be there in quarantine, or because in the host country, the Virus breaks out – for all of these cases, there will be a safe flight back-guarantee.” For more Details he called. Spohr expressed his confidence that the demand for private travel will very quickly come back.

Lufthansa, was in the Corona-crisis under severe pressure for months because hardly any air traffic is possible. In the group, with about 138,000 employees, thousands of Jobs are in the balance. The Federal government has put together a package of support, involving grants and equity measures in a total amount of nine billion euros. The state economic stabilization Fund (WSF) will take over 20 percent of the shares.

Spohr apologized to the customers who have not received their money for the cancelled Tickets back. “We will return every customer their ticket price, I can ask the customers only sorry,” he told the newspaper. The resources had been increased significantly, in order to speed up the processing. So there is more staff in the Call centers. “In the next six to eight weeks we want to have the repayment of jam processed. Again: I apologize to all for the Trouble.”

Spohr asked in the Interview about “government incentives for new aircraft,” to think – he spoke of an “innovation premium”. “A new aircraft can take up to 25 percent less fuel and produces 50 percent less noise than the previous model. The jump is enormous.” If more new aircraft would be purchased, let me help “the environment, the aircraft manufacturers and the Airlines”. Lufthansa is negotiating with aircraft manufacturers Boeing and Airbus about it, already ordered aircraft later removed as agreed.