Corona has hit the airline industry hard, and almost to a Standstill brought – because thousands of flights had to be cancelled because of the pandemic. And thousands of passengers are still waiting today to get their money back – although the airline must reimburse the ticket price within seven days. “Because, despite the Corona, the EU also applies here-the air passenger rights regulation fully,” explains Julia Zeller, assistant to the Verbraucherzentrale Bayern to FOCUS Online.

clients must not vouchers

assume That Airlines, passengers are not always easy to make, demand their rights – for example, in the case of payment of compensation due to flight delays -know, consumer advocates and many customers from my own experience. The pandemic deepening economic difficulties of many Airlines has already often reluctant willingness to pay is reinforced.

flight is delayed or cancelled? (Display)

With flight rights you can claim, quite simply, up to 600 euros in compensation of the Airline. The claim applies to all flights since 2017 , which were more than had 3 hours delay or cancelled, even in the event of Overbooking and flight time change.

Now, it’s free to claim for flight

Therefore, the Airlines wanted to provide dear customers with coupons instead of ticket to refund money, but failed through the opposition of the EU Commission examine the law. Although the Bundestag decided at the beginning of July, that a voucher is allowed solution and made appropriate requirements, but consumers do not have to accept you yet.

so it’s high time that the Airlines, which are still delinquent, the affected passengers to refund their money. “Consumers should be hold longer,” says Zeller. So, Lufthansa announced it would, for example, the amounts, the settlement, however, could take up to six weeks.

The Fluggastreche Overview:

According to passenger rights regulation No. 261/2004, the EU passport to operate in the event of delays of three hours at the destination, a compensation of 100 euros.

there are only two requirements: It must be a Airline based in the EU and to flights starting in the EU or to land; in addition, the delay must not have been caused by extraordinary circumstances such as strikes, terrorism, or natural disasters. The amount of compensation depends on the length of the route:

  • in the case of Flights up to 1500 km 250 euros per Person
  • routes starting from 1500 km within the EU EUR 400 per Person
  • in the case of Flights between 1500 and 3500 km EUR 400 per Person
  • in the case of Flights over 3500 kilometres 600 Euro per Person

starting two hours late, free food and drinks

passengers, the need to sit at the airport and wait, but it is not only a compensation in the Form of money, but also of certain care services by the Airline. This is because these have to provide two hours of delay the passengers with free food and drinks and allow it to make phone calls or send E-Mails. The following rules apply according to EU-regulation in this regard:

  • two or more hours for flights up to 1500 kilometres: free food, drinks, phone calls, E-Mails
  • after three hours for flights between 1500 and 3500 km: free food, drinks, phone calls, E-Mails
  • from four hours for flights of 3500 kilometres: free food, drinks, phone calls, E-Mails
  • minimum of five hours for all flights: entitlement to alternative transport, or to withdraw from the contract and the refund of the costs for the flight ticket
  • in the case of the departure of the flight on the next day valid for all flights: Overnight at the Hotel and a refund of the transfer cost

What are the passenger rights apply in times of Corona

There Corona is magnetized, as before, still grass, and probably not for a long time will be over, and for consumers at the Moment, a lot of uncertainty. Many do not trust yourself because of the current situation in the first place, to book a flight. Because what happens when it comes to conditional re – Corona and cancellation wave or massive, pandemic, flight delays? “In principle, air passengers’ rights also apply during the pandemic,” says the consumer activist.

Will be deleted, a flight from the Airline, there would be, therefore, a right to replacement transport or the reimbursement of the flight price. The same also applies if, due to Overbooking a passenger could not fly.

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Unclear position with compensation for the delay

it is, however, due to Corona to delays, the Situation is somewhat different. “Usually, travelers have a delay of three hours, a claim to compensation,” says Zeller. However, if this was not caused by extraordinary circumstances such as strikes, terrorism, or natural disasters.

“at The Moment, is not yet clear legally whether or not Corona will be considered as an extraordinary circumstance,” said the lawyer. It must first decide dishes. However, you are advised to make claims for compensation in the event of delays to the Airline claims. “Ultimately, consumers will have to wait and see then,” she explains. Since it is likely that Airlines will put here everything that claims to repel.

Who cancelled out of fear of Corona flight, receives no money back

Who wants to cancel a booked flight due to Corona, has bad cards. “If the ticket conditions allow, no rebooking or cancellation, the consumer is not entitled to a refund of the ticket price,” says Zeller. The posted goal of the Corona-Hotspot, developed, for example, is the risk of the consumer.

This applies in the case of an individually booked flight also, if the Foreign office to pronounce a travel warning. “It is not in this case, a package tour may be cancelled in such a case, free of charge,” said the lawyer. Scared eligible passengers for the free cancellation. The situation is becoming increasingly fierce at the destination, one could not hope for, ultimately, only on the goodwill of the Airline, a claim for a refund of the ticket price, but admit it.

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