In June, some Airlines to take back the operation. A lot of travel and willing to ask should behave but on how to get on Board now. This is so far known.

Starting in June, sheep offer a number of airlines will resume flights. How passengers should behave, explained the UN aviation authority in a paper. The middle seat is now to be set free?

Slowly but surely, normality seems to be back in the everyday life, stop for a moment: Since the beginning of the global Corona pandemic, many Germans feared that their summer fall holiday into the water. Now there is hope again that the hot days are all supposed to be on the beach somewhere in the South spent. If you want to climb in a plane, but is faced with the question: Mouth guard Yes or no? Must be left with the middle seat free? The UN aviation organization International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has issued recommendations, and appeals to governments, agencies, flight companies and airport operators.

behavior at the airport in Corona-times

Inside the airports, the ICAO recommends the Wearing of respiratory protection masks, and as little physical contact as possible – for example, in the case of security checks. Here, according to the air travel organization is increasingly “non-contact should be applied to” options, such as facial or iris recognition. In addition, passengers, will use only electronic Tickets and not out of paper. Passengers should also produce a medical proof that they tested negative for the Coronavirus and both before and after the flight your temperature to measure .

interesting : This behavior on the plane brings the Crew on the palm.

Corona: behavior in aircraft

on The plane itself, pleading the air travel organization for compliance with at least a Meter of distance between passengers . That the middle seat will be left free, but is not explicitly in the speech. Airlines had opposed the idea, as it would prove to be unprofitable. Instead, the IACO asks to distribute the passengers as good as possible, if it permits the utilization of . On Board the flight should not move guests to the best of their own place and queues in front the toilets to avoid . The Crew, however, should be according to IACO with a special protective equipment, consisting of medical masks, protective screens for the face and gloves, equipped.

As the recommendations of the IACO to no fixed guidelines are airlines, however, responsible for how you in times of Corona want to operate. At Lufthansa, for example, a mask is set to mandatory, and each passenger may only bring one piece of hand Luggage on Board. Also the in-flight service is limited, with a flight time of under 50 minutes, there are no drinks on the Hand, informs the Airline.

read also : in the holidays: All about travel by plane, cruise ship or in the car.

Airlines & flight attendants