Authorities say a piece of burning rocket debris seen streaking across the Pacific Northwest skies last week crashed on a farm in eastern Washington state

EPHRATA, Wash. — A piece of burning rocket debris found streaking across the Pacific Northwest skies a week crashed on a farm in eastern Washington state, police said.

After the March 25 event, a farmer discovered a nearly intact object of rocket in a private area, The Tri-City Herald reported.

The roughly 5-foot (1.5-meter) composite-overwrapped pressure vessel used for preserving helium left a nearly 4-inch (10.16-centimeter) dent in the floor, Grant County sheriff’s spokesman Kyle Foreman explained. No one was hurt,” he explained.

The National Weather Service in Seattle has stated the widely reported bright objects in the sky on March 25 were remnants of the next stage of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket leaving comet-like paths as they burned up upon reentry into the Earth’s atmosphere.

The farmer, who police said did not need to be identified, guessed the debris may have come in the rocket and left a message using the sheriff’s office on the weekend, Foreman said. SpaceX affirmed it was part of the rocket and has since recovered it, Foreman said.

It states there have been 111 launches and 71 landings.