freehold flats rose in the second quarter of 2020 by 1.3 percent compared to the previous quarter. In the case of One – and two-family homes prices increased by 2.9 per cent. Also, compared to the prior-year quarter (Q2/2019), the condos of 5.9 per cent is now significantly behind the One – and two-family houses with 9.0 percent.

“mainly, prices for single-family homes are still the largest contributions to growth for the real estate market,” says F+B managing Director Bernd Leutner: “in the face of historically unprecedented low interest rates, it appears for many consumers to be more economical to rent instead of investing in self-used property objects.” If the Trend house and a private garden corona is due, not Leutner say. The need of many people during the lock downs, to expand the own four walls, to a green spot, would at least be understandable.

rental prices in big cities continue to

new-letting rents rose on average from the first to the second quarter of 2020, only minimally, by 0.4 percent, the existing rents by 0.3 percent. Also in the big cities, the momentum is: So Freiburg I. Br are down compared to the previous quarter in 18 of the 50 most expensive cities in Germany prices at the time of re-letting, such as in Berlin,., Tübingen, or Rosenheim. Of 4. Quarter of 2019, and 1. Quarter of 2020, there were only 13 cities. Less the consequences of the Corona-measures F+B-chief Leutner for the price decline, rather than the “in the meantime, sharpened regulations of the rental price brake”. F+B

The prices for single family homes and condominiums increased in the last twelve months. The Rent increased only moderately.

home ownership in the long term, highly profitable

As the old age pension, home throws also high returns. At least for those who have already invested Who has bought in the second quarter, a detached house, had an average pay increase of 38.0 per cent more than five years ago, and even 61.7 percent, more than ten years ago. Also, the price for condos rose strongly: they increased in price according to F+B-Index over the last five years in Federal funds to 34.7 percent, and in the last ten years, even to 76.1 percent.

In the case of the Rents the long-term development is not quite so dramatically: The new contract value increased rents in the last five years, 9.5 per cent and in the last ten years of 19.0 percent. The portfolio rents of 6.2 and 10.4 percent, somewhat more moderate. F+B

In the long-term development of prices for single-family homes are located in the 2. Quarter of 2020 for the first time on the F+B residential Index.

the basis for the F+B residential Index for Germany are seasonally adjusted data of nearly 35 million property in Germany.

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