It was very cold, at that time, in 1963. Never was Winter so cold, the lake was a huge sheet of ice, it was probably the last Seegfrörni forever. And the Eishockeyaner of the SC Küsnacht would have been able to play their matches in that year on the schübel pond at the top of the village, on natural ice, surrounded by reeds and shrubs, a barracks was used as a cloakroom. But it is the Winter, in the Küsnachter got their open ice rink, the CEC in Itschnach. They were not proud of, it’s skating rinks were still a lot of art.

On a Sunday evening in early March, the CEC shook for the first Time: Winterthur was a guest, some of the players should be available from the carnival come and Confetti in your hair have had helmets they wore no. Küsnacht won 11:0 and advanced to the national League B. Eleven years of the SCK stayed there until he descend voluntarily, because the money was missing, even if the club paid for never premium.

The SC Bern, Davos, Lugano or Gottéron came to the CEC, unforgettable moments, once, against Ambri, some of the 2500 spectators climbed to the roof of the nearby Curling rink, it was snowing so intense that the Puck got stuck in spite of constant ice cleaning again and again. The Küsnachter goalkeeper built a wall of snow in front of his housing, the SCK, won 1:0.

It was cold, many years later, now in the stadium of the Kloten, that meant there Schluefweg and not Arena plus anything as it is today. Under the roof, it was open, a constant passage to the toilet had to be in the middle of the forest. Chlote was now my Club, also because of you, Felix Hollenstein, for all the Cages, the number 24 with the flowing hair, and later because of Kimmo Rintanen, the magician with stick and disc, “taikuri” in Finnish, poetic sounds, and he also played.

It was cold last week on Wednesday, as from the spring a Winter, (day) was. KEK in Küsnacht since 1993, covered, for a simple hall, the rattle of speakers, you can refer to an announcement, 1260 came, as many as in a long time. The GCK Lions, the “K” in the name stands for Küsnacht, play in the Playoff against the EHC Kloten, and there are very many Chlotener in the hall, and it is loud.

And I? Torn, the first love the second – but as in life off the ice, the reminder of the first but more intense, so “Hopp SCK” or GCK is, but somehow only half-heartedly. Chlote wins 6:1.

Created: 03.03.2020, 10:54 PM