Pesto is great for a quick Pasta dish. However, Öko-Test has now examined Pesto from the supermarket and many of the pollutants discovered.

Pesto refined Pasta and is often, in the supermarket bought Öko-Test has studied 20 Pesto verde – with disappointing results In the Test brand-name products were both as well as cheap own brands and Bio-Pesto

the Fast one is refined the cooked pasta happy times with a green Basil Pesto from supermarket . However, as a Test of Öko-Test has now shown, could be detected in all Pesto contamination with mineral oil inventory – self the winner of the test scores only a “satisfactory”.

Test of Pesto: oil production plants can be got according to the”Öko-Test” into the Pesto

eight products in addition, the content of saturated hydrocarbons is greatly increased. These accumulate in human fatty tissue and in organs. In addition, eight aroma were discovered tables hydrocarbons, which may cancer could attract.

However, as the oil comes in the beloved Pesto ? An example of lubricating oils at production facilities would be. Other possible pathways in the food are for example pesticides on the Basis of paraffin oil and exhaust gases. Already last year, could be found in a Eco-Test mineral oil, Parmesan cheese and olive oil, both of which are ingredients for Pesto.

The good news is that mineral Oil components in food was not necessarily sick. However, it is recommended to look for products that contain them as little as possible.

Test of Pesto: pesticides found in Öko-Test warns of unknown interactions

Also often a large Problem in the green Pesto are pesticides. Only five Test products were free of pesticides , in all other is a mixture of a plurality of injection were found toxins.

content of The measured Pesticides in accordance with EU safety reviews harmless to health, but are considered, nevertheless, as critical as the interactions of the various substances are hardly erfroscht.

Here are the house brands of Aldi , Edeka , K-Classic and Rewe fared poorly, as well as the price to be higher based products from Bertolli and Barilla .

Test of Pesto Green Pesto in the Öko-Test – a chemical plasticizer discovered

two Pesto-products has even been discovered as toxic to reproduction classified plasticizer diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP). DEHP could come from, for example, from the tubes, or canisters in the production.

The quantities of consumer with the two Pestos of which are, fortunately, low. In addition, more than half of the manufacturers do without, after all, in the lid seals on PVC. Because such cover gaskets contain plasticizers that can migrate, especially in fatty foods, so Öko-Test .

Test of Pesto: Not a question of money – Known Pesto brands failure in the Eco-Test

Who is deeper in the pocket, gets a better quality? Not according to the Eco-Test . In all of the Pesto, from discount, on brand, goods to organic product , were able to prove the Tester of mineral oil in varying concentrations.

the perceived Top brands Barilla Pesto alla Genovese and Bertolli Pesto Verde, these values were particularly high and were in the Öko-Test rated “unsatisfactory”.

Test of Pesto: organic Pesto cuts poorly in the Eco-Test

products is also offered in organic Caution. Four Bio-brands you looked at the Eco-Test more precisely, and also came here to a disappointing result. Although, fortunately, were not detected in pesticides, but in the petroleum is the same picture, as in the case of the conventional products.

Pesto Verde from Alnatura was so heavily loaded with mineral oil and plasticizers, that even a grade of “insufficient” granted. According to Öko-Test, the stem covers the plasticizer from the PVC, to which many manufacturers no longer include however.

Test of Pesto: According to Öko-Test each of the Pesto is the taste in order

Sure how sour or sweet, the Pesto must be, everyone sees it differently. In terms of taste, you could discover the Eco-Test , however, no defects in the audited Pesto.

in Principle, it is recommended in the case of green Pesto but, as is the case with all the sauces and Dips, these self-produce. It even goes quite quickly and easily, and requires, in addition to the ingredients a blender.

For approximately 200 milliliters it takes only 50 grams of Basil leaves 50 grams Parmesan cheese, 40 g of pine nuts (in advance fry), a pinch of salt and 120 milliliters extra-virgin olive oil. If you like the taste, you can add in addition, two cloves of garlic.

Test of Pesto: These stamps were from Öko-Test put to the test

Alnatura Pesto Verde
Barilla Pesto alla Genovese
Bertolli Pesto Verde
Buitoni Pesto Basilico
Casa Romantica Pesto alla Genovese
Cucina Pesto alla Genovese (Aldi North*/South*)
Good & affordable Pesto alla Genovese ( Edeka )
I Sughi De Cecco Pesto alla Genovese
Italiamo Pesto alla Genovese ( Lidl )
Yes! Pesto Verde (Rewe*)
K-Classic Pesto alla Genovese ( purchase of land )
La Selva Pesto al Basilico con Pecorino cheese
Mirácoli Pesto Verde
Mondo Italiano Pesto alla Genovese ( net )
Oro D’Italia Pesto Verde
Ppura Genovese Pesto Bio
Rapunzel Pesto Ligure
Saclà Italia Pesto alla Genovese
San Fabio alla Genovese Pesto ( Penny )
Villa Gusto Pesto alla Genovese ( Norma )

Of Nail Akkoyun

various jams were grades in Öko-Test* under the magnifying glass taken. Ironically, Germany’s best-known brand on falls in the Test to be particularly negative.

Öko-Test examined granola bars* – almost every second bar falls through.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.