The schools? Closed. The People? Have to stay home. Japan in the stress test. The International Olympic Committee? Not alarmed by all of this.

want to at Least let us Thomas Bach believe, the IOC President, and never a smooth ironed Parole route. He will, said the German on Friday in Tokyo, “the flame of speculation, no more food” and holding on to it, probably Once and for all: “The IOK together with all the authorities for the success of the 24. July to the start of the Olympic games.”

A heavy weight at the IOC says: time is running out to guess

not difficult to see that the statement was a response to a different voice from the IOC. A heavy weight even a Short time earlier, the former head of the world anti-doping Agency, Richard Pound had said in an Interview with the “Associated Press”, it is a time to remain for Olympia window of three months to bring the Virus before the end of may under control.

“An event such as these, it does not move. The man says.”Richard Pound, former head of the world anti-doping Agency

The IOC member from Canada, told in such a way that the umbrella Association, whose Vice-President and member of the management Board he had been for many years, engaged very well with the Worst-Case scenario. Anything else would be negligence – but still, the time, a Plan B to say is – if it can ever be. Pound: “An occasion like this, it does not move. The man says.”

in fact, the crucial Phase is now. “We are at the crossroads for the containment of the Virus,” warns Norio Ohmagari, Director for infectious diseases at the national health centre. “If we can stop the next infection wave, it would be a good sign for the Olympics. The cases will not go back but, we must also deal with a cancellation.” In times of peace, this would be a first for the Olympics.

The Japanese Premier Shinzo Abe called for the closure of all schools and universities until the beginning of April.

168 cases of infection it was, so far, in Japan, in addition, there were almost 700 infected passengers aboard a cruise ship, the 5. February, was set in Yokohama quarantine. By a normalization, therefore, no trace: How the “Japan Times” reported, the cases of infection last by leaps and bounds. Three days ago, the Japanese Premier Shinzo cried Abe, therefore, the closure of all schools and universities until the beginning of April. The Baseball championship will be played without spectators.

After a first case of death in the Prefecture of Hokkaido in the North of the country on Friday, the authorities on the island of a state of emergency, which allows the people to have a curfew to impose. It also applies to Sapporo – the city is in the August venue of the Olympic marathon.

The Tokyo Marathon on Sunday, may 1. March 2020, took place, however, it was only Elite runners allowed. (Image: Reuters)

And what if Japan gets rid of the Virus but in time? The government will have to ask: Will you 11’000 athletes, their Coaches and supervisors, and thousands of media representatives and a total of not less than 10 million visitors from all over the world in the country, which could bring back the germs?

qualifications Fall away, are Olympic places at risk

“life feels completely normal,” reports Ralph Stöckli. The St. gall is the head of the delegation of Swiss Olympic, Tokyo 2020 are his third Olympic games, and still up on Monday, he is currently on reconnaissance in Japan. It is his last visit before the 24. July in the Olympic stadium the opening ceremony is on the rise.

Also, some of the runners of the Tokyo marathon wore face masks. (Image: Reuters)

Stöckli is currently a lot of Mails, and the communication with the associations is especially important to him: “to avoid panic. In our preparation for a possible cancellation should have no impact. It is anyway beyond our Power.” His greater concern is for the upcoming Qualifying competitions. They fall out because of the virus spread, it can have the influence on the profit of Olympic start spots.

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Created: 01.03.2020, 16:06 PM