After the training crash last Friday in Leipzig, Germany, has improved the condition of Martin Smolinski.

Olching – Now he is back in Olching. There, he recovers in the circle of his family from injury.

Directly after the accident, he had been in the University clinic of Leipzig to the accident-ICU brought. The hip was dislocated and severely wedged. Because of the attempt to treat the hip immediately, failed, moved the OP to the next day. It will be a tough night for Smolinski, who suffered from strong pain followed. “I counted the hours and minutes in the night until the OP-at the beginning. My focus was to keep the pain under control and to stay up to the OP in a quiet,“ says Smolinski. On Saturday at 9 a.m. the four-hour SURGERY began.

The challenge for the Doctors was to get the splined hip without any damage to the affected sciatic nerve further. It all worked according to Plan. The femoral head of the femur has been provided with two screws, the hip socket with one large and two small plates and four screws.

According to the OP it took a few days until the pain for the Speedway professional was bearable. Specifically, the nerve pain got to him. Added to this was a hospital-germ (MRSA) and had to be treated. It was also found that the nerve that is for the Lifting of the foot and the toes, is responsible, has suffered a strong Trauma. It can coming up to a year take up the function completely back. When Smolinski can get back on the bike, is not yet predictable.