Because of its entry with a false passport to Paraguay, the former Brazilian national soccer player has been taken Ronaldinho again. The attorney’s office on Friday brought charges against the world champion of 2002 and his brother because of the use of false documents and requested detention for the two men.

Previously, the prosecution had declared that it withdrew the prosecution, as Ronaldinho scope’ve testified and contributed to the investigation. The Ex-professional was shortly after his travel to Paraguay on Wednesday with false identification documents, and being caught.

members of a criminal gang

At the Pass, it was the first investigation results, according to a real Paraguayan document, in the subsequently, some of the data have been corrupted. According to Ronaldinho, an entrepreneur had given him and his brother, the passports upon their arrival in Paraguay.

Against three in the case, the person involved has already been filed, the public Prosecutor’s office announced. In addition, investigations against a number of officials and private people had been taken. Against an employee of the immigration service arrest warrant had been issued. The investigators believe that the Suspects are members of a criminal gang, specializing in the forgery of identity documents. (scl/dpa)

Created: 07.03.2020, 04:25 PM