The Olching city centre offers many shopping opportunities, but also a lot of traffic. Now you want to think, under certain circumstances, car-free Saturdays. But it’s not that simple.

Olching – The stone rolling, Michael Kircher brought – now the Green city Council, previously Chairman of the disability Advisory Council. Especially the elderly, have a disability, and walkers are instructed, had come up to him. “They have not reported that the Crossing of the main road for you is because of the traffic.” The positions provided are for mobility impaired people. “The main road is already 20 years a Problem. I would like to create a Zone, where all people can meet.“

One more try for the car-free Saturday in Olching

Kircher launch therefore had the idea to banish every first Saturday of the month cars from the city centre. “Da told me my group but all the same that this could never prevail.” The compromise: once a test run on the first Saturday in August and in September. A first application in the last Advent, met in the city hall on sympathy, however, thought the summer months would be more appropriate. Not least because the pre-Christmas business for the shops to be at night is so important.

Kircher remained up and put his concerns again. On Thursday evening the main Committee dealt with it. Actually, this would also be a matter for the city development Committee, two city Council members complained. Mayor Andreas Magg (SPD) and the management saw the focus on the economic area.

mayor finds the idea of car-free Saturdays good

Magg is one of the supporters of the idea. “We have a strong retail sector, are in the countryside even known.” In the Corona-crisis had shown, how strong the Online competition was. Maggs Credo: The city centre needs to be attractive, the quality is high, so the shops survive. To banish the traffic in the long term from the main road, for example, is a pedestrian street set up, whether in Olching but not possible. A Tempo-30-attempt had failed at the district office. “Somehow, not in the district of Fürstenfeldbruck, what other places in upper Bavaria is quite possible.”

Magg thinks it is right, not only on the market Sundays, but also on a regular day to try out how it works with the car-free Zone. And to see what effects this will have on trade. Another sticking point: Where is the traffic, if he can by the main road? According to Magg, it is mainly Olching, the use of the road – less passing traffic from the outside.

criticism of the idea of car-free Saturdays in Olching

fears Nevertheless, the CSU, for example,-the Vice-the mayor Maximilian Gigl a “transport collapse”. “You can see already in the market Sundays, as it is on the small underpass.” Also his colleague, Robert Smith looks at the thing skeptically. “On Saturday morning, the main road is frequented the most.” As you work to rid the surrounding streets, such as the field road from the traffic, and then you bring it about with something of the opposite. Also Ewald Zachmann (FWO) expressed criticism: “The meaning is not obvious to me. We have the car free-market Sundays.“

majority for the examination of car-free Saturdays in Olching

The majority of the main Committee (8:3) agreed, however, that the administration examine the feasibility. “In many communities this is a very big issue,” said a third mayor Ingrid Jaschke of the Green. In Corona-the times where you have to give people more space. Also the SPD parliamentary group commented positively: “What was at the time an Outcry, as the Sendlinger road in Munich should be a pedestrian zone. And now you can see how well that works,“ says Fritz Botzenhardt.

Tomas Bauer (CSU) holds the idea of “bribing”. The representatives of the business world have also nothing against a test-run, and a daily reference of the traffic in the summer months. “A permanent introduction of a car-free Zone we consider, however, as problematic”, as Nadine Klinder tells of city marketing. The experience shows that the Parking be located in front of the shops by the customers and thus bring in sales. And just people who are physically restricted, to be dependent on it, directly in front of doctors ‘ homes, and health farms drive.