The Coronavirus has made in the last few weeks, everything on the head. And the number of Infected is increasing every day. the Jonas Hiller , what does that make you?
It is a difficult Situation, because you don’t seem to know exactly what is the best way to deal with it.

How do you deal with it?
You can achieve with little things much. If you are not feeling well, stay home. And now, we have in Biel, paper rather than cloth towels, also there is some more disinfectant. But for us, not much has changed. Because we need to be in the Winter because of the flu anyway careful.

On Tuesday, the club representatives discussed how and whether the championship should be continued. Which variant you prefer: the season to cancel, or the playoffs in front of empty stands play?
The people are not interested still for ice hockey , even if you are allowed into the stadium. As a player, you want to always play, although this is without an audience, of course, funny. But there is one crucial question: What happens if a player is infected with the Coronavirus? To answer you, is really difficult.

either way, your career could go on the small stage to the end.
Clearly, I would like to have in this Moment, the Fans around me, the emotions once again rise. My worst idea is that: You will master, stemmst the Cup, and no one is there and cheers.

you have already taken part in a mind game. What has changed in this regard for a goalkeeper?
It is almost easier. Because you ausblendest usually all around you, the viewers. Emotions I’ll only have before and after the game. But for a field player, this is something else. He can bring with a Check of energy into the game, because the spark jumps to the audience.

“makes you mentally tired. Because you know: Now is not expected from the Goalie to lead the Team out of the crisis.”Jonas Hiller

you could just append a season, especially since they are still one of the best goalkeepers in the League. What’s stopping you?
The main reason is: My body needs longer to recover from the stress. I don’t want to have to career the feeling, I would have made him broken. And when it didn’t work with the Team in December and January, I played on the level that I expect of me. Luckily, it was last back better. But it could be that I can no longer keep my level of not just a couple of weeks, but maybe a whole season. Prior to that, I have respect for.

you Are not one who broods a lot, when it’s running?
Yes, and that makes you mentally tired. Because you know: Now is not expected from the Goalie to lead the Team out of the crisis. That’s why I’m glad, too, if I’m the one who has to pull the cart out of the Dirt. (laughs)

Be the most difficult Moment: The last play-off semi-final against the SCB Hiller played, although his father died during the series. (Photo: Raphael Moser )

When they came in 2016, according to Biel, was the Club, at best a Playoff-shaky candidate. Finally, the EHCB reached twice the semi-final. How have you experienced this trend?
I’m proud I was able to influence a large part of. Now it is almost negative, if we are classifying us in the Top 4. In Biel there is a base on which you can trust. Not least because it has given the Team some positive changes.

to what Extent?
We have more hungry players in the squad. Not just with the Playoff-qualification satisfied. And it does matter if we lose after three Wins the fourth game. In addition, we had in each season of a crisis, but we have always found a way to survive this.

And now, she could crown her successful career with a title.
If everyone would stop as the master, then would not have resigned a lot of players. (laughs) It would be wrong to say, without a title with Biel, my career is not successful. Had told me in my youth someone: You’re going to play nine years in the NHL, then I would have taken it immediately. Finally, I was never in a Junior selection, didn’t know 18 whether I may ever live by the ice hockey would.

last year, Biel was at the threshold of the play-off Final. The series against the SCB was upsetting. For you especially, because at that time her father died, they played anyway.
It was an extremely difficult time. Actually I realized it only when we were eliminated. Since I had it in me, memories came up, then everything collapsed. During the semi-finals, I had tried to forget the death of my father a bit, so it affected my performance as little as possible. But it was difficult.

it Was the most difficult Moment of your career?
(thinks) With all of the circumstances, Yes. It was an emotional roller coaster ride. On the other hand, I was healthy, could play. As I was struggling in 2011, with balance problems and didn’t know if it would ever get better, it was much more difficult.

“Really, I have realized it only when we were eliminated. Since I had it in me, and everything collapsed.” Jonas Hiller

you Break your legs, you know, If the plaster is gone, you can train again. In the case of a disturbance of balance to you, no one can say how long you have to pause. I was always one, of the it delivery even more pushed, if. But in this case, the triggered the opposite effect. To accept everything slower, which was not easy.

she had never again problems, have been one of the most successful representatives of the Swiss Goalie history. Meanwhile, half the League is desperately looking for goalies. What happened?
Bucher, Pavoni, Tosio. Later, Aebischer, Gerber, me, Stephan. There is in this country a great goalkeeper tradition. But then a gap was created. Because it’s not here on the one hand, enough players, every year to bring such a goalkeeper out. But there is another aspect.

What is it?
It is for a Club is always difficult to give a young Goalie a Chance. Meanwhile, ten of the twelve Teams in the National League, with the Playoff. The expectations are much higher than ten years ago, when there were more training teams, which continued despite the risk to young players.

you were the ideal man, in order to promote talent.
A good Goalie does not automatically make a good Coach. And I have spent so many hours in the rink, I don’t want to be there more and more often. But I would like to pass on my experience, could imagine, for example, to organize a one day goalie camps, because I have benefitted greatly from it. However, at the Moment, I would like to do in the first things I had to do without in the last few years.

Boring is not likely to be anyway. You have a kitesurfing company, co-owner of a trading platform for coffee and engaged in an IT enterprise …
… which is why it is also easier for me to end my career. At the same time, there are two pair of shoes, whether you’re Investor or in the Daily Business involved. I want to first of all experience, whether me the packs so as the hockey.

What will you miss most about hockey?
The team of life with the many individuals working for a goal. The positive energy, the trigger success, which can experience you in Hockey every couple of days. I do not think that in the future all the clapping and my name chanting, when I’m in the private sector, something good. (laughs)

icebreaker – Hockey Podcast by Tamedia

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Created: 11.03.2020, 09:55 PM