” I am not a victim “, is it to clarify, as a warning, just as the interview started. And we do not return a victim to genuine prohibit to be seen as such – the time we have instilled something else… But in addition to show good resilience (” My brain has been reset “), Mohamed Bouhafsi has the peculiarity of always smile, at the end of each sentence, each look cross. This is not nothing, because it touches upon a broad division of journalism, among those who smile and those who are the mouth, full of their spirit of seriousness. Since a few weeks, the journalist RMC Sport, one of the best informed about France on the news of football, clings to other lands, those of the protection of children.

Its history, the requires : up to 8 years, he has lived under the roof of an abusive father, a puncher who, for a yes or a no, him was a. The night of the defeat the slot machines were, however, for the small Mohamed, the most painful. More than a spanking, beating, fists burst. He was not born in 1993, as indicated in his / her marital status, but ” April 1, 2000 “, said he, this holy day where his father has permanently left the home. From the outside, as always, one wonders, a little easier, and the search can turn unjustly to the charge : but that was the mother ? “She was just afraid,” says Mohamed Bouhafsi about this mother that he saw “blood” by the fault of his father. She was afraid, of course ! Afraid of her husband full of rage, but also his threats of abduction of their young son. There was his big sister who, at times, interfered, but his courage was vain before the fury of the father intoxicated. There were also its neighbours, cité du Franc-Moisin, in Saint-Denis, who heard it all and, to leave the boy in his sad routine, the invited to the house to watch football matches on Canal+, a channel that the family Bouhafsi had not. A pretext and a respite.

Read also Violence on children : the number of calls to 119, an increase of 20 %

During the containment, the skin burned, as if the scars of his childhood were always perennial. It has, in fact, thought about these girls and these young kids who suddenly found themselves in a closed family for them can be fatal. “A child dies every 4-5 days under the blows of a parent,” he says. Then, he began to speak, signed a tribune in the JDD to testify of what he has lived through, and to call each person, the friends, the neighbors, the teachers, to be vigilant and, if occur, the hits, to denounce the abusive parents. His intuition is, alas, true : the violence against children have increased by 89 % during the confinement. “There is a denunciation positive to the extent that it saves lives, that’s more children’s lives. “This is the message that it drives home the point when he meets young people in the context of associations The Child blue or Elien Rebirth, of which he is the sponsor. These young people are not unaware that, sometimes, among them, a buddy takes shots once past the threshold of the house. But, because they do not want to trouble the family or because they relativize these acts, when they do not want to go for scales, they are silent about all of what they know of the ordeal of this buddy.

“I want to make”

Mohamed Bouhafsi has a dream : “to Organise a day of child protection with a large football tournament involving children and professional players. “These are the same players who had sent him messages of support and offers of service after the publication of his op. Recently, he agreed with Jean-Michel Aulas, the president of the OL, on the initiative in favour of children in difficulty. Also, it is in contact with the Paris-Saint-Germain to organize meetings with the players. “If nothing is done, these kids will be tomorrow’s adults hyperviolents or hyperdépressifs. “In his message, he does not forget “caregivers” and those thousands of volunteers who, throughout France, working in the interest of these young victims.

“I want to make it,” repeated the reporter. He wants to make, in effect, because its about in fact exceeds the sole issue of violence on minors. Because he does not forget where he comes from, a city of St.-Denis, where life has not always been obvious, but that, fortunately, in his case, the Bookmobile (a mobile library, editor’s NOTE) just a little brighten. And then, there was this mother, head of room in a paris restaurant, who, very early on, wanted to break this determinism that would have had to drive his son to do anything other than this business of being a journalist in charge of sports on a large national radio. It is as well as Mohamed Bouhafsi found himself enrolled at the college and high school in settlements in the 16th arrondissement of Paris. “I have been to the same high school that general de Gaulle [Saint Thomas Aquinas, ED] “, he says. Smile of one who is proud. He repeats the words ” values “, “Republic” and ” pacte republican “, which gives it a content. The face of this Republic, he has seen it. It was one of those teachers who fought for that a student may, also, have access to classical culture and emancipation by knowledge. He shudders : “I read Apollinaire, Malraux, Mauriac… It is France ! “Smile, again and again. He reveres as much Zidane as Camus, with whom he shared an attachment to Algeria.


During the world Cup in Russia, he was able to interview Emmanuel Macron, who came out of the dressing room Blue. How, then, do not think of his mother ? The racism come. In his life, he has received ” hundreds of messages that are racist “, yes, and he even found himself a director of radio to tell him that “Momo,” as the first name, this was ” not terrible “. Here, too, one that will lead to the back to school issue Top of the foot on RMC has been reset, to return to his word. He puts everything on the account of stupidity, refuses to see racism everywhere, and rejects, again, the ” victimization “. There ahead, sure of its commitments and debts in the place of the Republic and of this great lady as is her mother.