The Bundesliga has been suspended for the game due to the Coronavirus pandemic now, but immediately and will not play this weekend. This is the German football League (DFL) announced on Friday afternoon. “Given the dynamics of today” have you decided, “originally today is the beginning of the end 26. To move round in both leagues”. In the morning it had initially welcomed, will be operating the game from next Tuesday to 2. April break. This interruption should remain, however, even from now on.

“is the Background, among other things, that in the course of the day of suspected infection with the Corona Virus in the environment of several Clubs and their teams have shown, and other infections cannot be ruled out,” wrote the DFL to the justification for the late cancellation. Actually, the games were to be held as mind-games. The game between Werder Bremen and Bayer Leverkusen, however, was already been sold in the course of Friday. Also Fortuna Düsseldorf and SC Paderborn, the should play on Friday evening, requested at the DFL a-laying.

season is to be played to the end

the goal is to continue “to play the season until the end of summer to – from a sports point of view, but also, in particular, because a premature termination of the season for some of the Clubs existence could have threatening consequences,” as the DFL took on Friday afternoon to again Express again. A on Monday scheduled meeting of the members to discuss how to proceed.

On Wednesday it had given to the first Corona case, a professional player in Germany: Timo huebers of Bundesliga Hannover 96 has been tested positive for the Covid-19 Virus. After on Thursday in a team-mate Jannes Horn, a second case came to be, is the Team of the lower Saxony now closed in quarantine. The match between Hannover and Dresden had been disposed of, therefore, as only this weekend before. On Friday it was announced that the pros from the 1. FC Nürnberg in quarantine are. Also Paderborn’s coach Steffen Baumgart has been tested for the Virus, the Test was negative.

Created: 13.03.2020, 16:43 PM