The word “patience” had weight. A Team in the ice hockey to build, a Trainer was once a long-term stipulate. A coach even more. As is often expected in the Olympic four-year cycle. As in Switzerland, where Michael Suter’s contract extended before the European Championships in 2020 to four years. If on Monday evening but the Playoff pairings will be drawn, in which the participation in the world Cup 2021 in Egypt will be fought, are amazing a lot of new Coaches, interested spectators, were still in January, just bystanders.

Germany’s claims on the private Team are so out of touch with reality, that of the fifth EM-rank was actually a good result.

Because it is precisely this Europe resulted in a championship in Sweden, Norway and Austria for as-yet unknown activism in the coaches. Didier Dinart was still in 2018, the international basketball Federation as the Coach of the year award, two years later, he was released. 14. EM-rank was for France a disaster. The team that had fought in the last 20 years, with overwhelming regularity in the medals, had to leave for home after three games on the trip home. Space 14 on the EM – that’s two ranks, but a point is better than Switzerland. 28. January Dinarts was the end of fact. Guillaume Gille, assistant to the former defense Worker, was his successor, at his side, Erick Mathé, the trains Chambéry and thus Coach of the Swiss goalkeeper Nikola Portner will be (and already Lukas von Deschwanden is) is.

Germany’s claims on the private Team are so out of touch with reality, that of the fifth EM-rank was actually a good result for the quality of this selection, the reason for the dismissal of the national coach Christian Prokop. Once stresses had been with this man more, came on 6. February the cut. Initiated by the bird-of-Paradise in the Association, Vice-President Bob Hanning, the strikes mainly due to his outrageous Outfits. The youth has been replaced by Routine, the 60-year-old Icelander Alfred Gislason took over.

It went on and on, especially in the East, with the usual reactions. It is not dismissal but resignation. Sergei Bebeschko occurred after the 19. EM rank of Ukrainians from, as Eduard Kokscharow in Russia. Space 22, the worst result for a long time was. Nenad Perunicic made in Serbia (EM-20.) the place free for another man.

The new Bundesliga-nervousness

Russia for the world Cup 2021 in April in the Vorplayoffs and profited in the succession of the new nervousness in Germany’s Bundesliga. There where always more money involved, and that the success must always be faster in the Form of results, the February, as soon as the second round had started, to the month of the Firing. The Berlin foxes, with the former Handball revolutionary Stefan Kretzschmar in the sports management Board, dismissed Velimir Petkovic (63). Has now signed in Russia a four-year contract.

Andy Schmid of Rhein-Neckar Löwen, followed. The Islander Kristjan Andrésson had to go in the first of a planned three years in office prematurely. Find the lion as the foxes when former “heroes” of the German hand ball were. In Berlin, Michael Roth, in Mannheim, Germany Martin Schwalb in the responsibility. Both of them were German national player, as the Swiss were the great neighbors, one or the other leg and the Bundesliga was still far away from the present-day reputation.

Even the basketball trainers of the time.

Three weeks

In Melsungen ranged, the former Kriens-Trainer Heiko Grimm was no longer good enough. In the Club, in which the Swiss Roman Sidorowicz until the end of the season, is under contract, to help the Icelandic national team coach Gudmundur Gudmundson. A record, he can’t be proud of it, keeps a team out of the bottom of the table region. The HC Erlangen, the third coach is already at work. The Icelanders Adalstein Eyjolfsson, the the Schaffhausen cadets in the next two years, was replaced by the former Swiss national team coach Rolf Brack. But the man with the doctorate was after three weeks, his job again, the results agreed. Now a player-coach with Michael Haass even in the office. This has actually to do plenty of little with in a professional League. But it definitely stands for the fact: Even the basketball trainers of the time.

Created: 09.03.2020, 09:45 PM