Patrick Fischer is not got the last ten days of so much of the excitement of the Coronavirus. The national coach was in Overseas, where he attended the Swiss NHL-Cracks. On Sunday he flies home. Meanwhile, the ice hockey is in Switzerland, still plays in the NHL kicking, in front of a largely full ranks.

But it could do well as soon some. The basketball League, the NBA warned her Clubs in an internal Memo, in the spirit of the games to prepare. Game cancellations are likely to be in a League that annually receives $ 2.6 billion in TV money is not an issue. Well possible that the NHL is planning something Similar. And in the meantime, the women has been deleted-world Cup in Canada, which would have to be playing from the end of March in Halifax and Truro out. The Swiss had been there too.

The talks to a fisherman, with the NHL players were, however, not just about the Sports. He was in Nashville, Minneapolis and New Jersey and saw in eight games, almost all of the Swiss. “All are in very good shape, and take in your team-important roles,” says Fischer. “This pleases me, of course.”

“The free gifts are never a matter of course.”National coach Patrick Fischer

He had consistently received positive feedback, says Fischer. All had says for the world Cup. If this can take place, and if the NHL Cracks of your Clubs will receive the release. Especially in terms of insurance, this could be due to the Coronavirus to be problematic.

What is the Situation with the NHL players is concerned, this is not fundamentally different than usual, according to Fischer: “I can never run out of that you are for the world Cup available. The free gifts are never a matter of course.”

He was planning until further notice, under the premise that the world Cup, as intended, from the 8. May be played, says Fischer. “It brings nothing to the rest or from the back. We can change the Situation or influence. As long as no other decision is made, it changes the subject a lot in my planning.”

The accounts of the Clubs with the Playoffs without an audience,

it is also Conceivable that the Swiss Playoff fails, the event takes place. How would fishermen deal with the player in the meantime? With this scenario, he is not concerned at the moment, says the national coach. The National League Clubs, meanwhile, is busy on the Count, whether you have a Playoff without an audience would be more expensive than the cancellation of all games.

the Position of The TV-partners, UPC is clear: It is meant to be played. The stressed program Director Steffi Buchli in her column in the “Switzerland on the weekend” (title: “Corona, you creep!”) also, once again. You wrote: “Also I prefer to have high emotional Playoffs in full and, above all, atmospheric stadiums. But at the Moment remains to us only from a series of suboptimal solutions for the least suboptimal to choose.” The League will be 17 to the. March, need to set.

Be moved all tournaments a year?

What relates to the world Cup, so little time. At the latest by mid-April, you would have to decide definitely, says world Federation President René Fasel. The Swiss organizers should work to ensure that the world Cup takes place in the event of cancellation, holding next year in Zurich and Lausanne, all the tournaments would be postponed for a year to the rear.

The following A-world Championships are awarded up to 2025: to Minsk/Riga, Tampere/Helsinki, St Petersburg, Prague/Ostrava, and Sweden/Denmark. The Swiss would probably have to rely on the solidarity of the other sweep Nations.

what is Clear is that It is a race against time for the world Cup. Fasel disclaims, to move the tournament to the rear. OK President Gian Gilli says: “in mid-April, we solve the orders and start with the construction of special infrastructure.” Or not.

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Created: 08.03.2020, 12:53 PM