In the Canton of Ticino was the headline in an online portal: “The Ticino Rockets are saved”. The “Berner Zeitung” wrote: “thanks to the season termination, the SCL Tigers will not be able to descend”. It is not whether the prescribed season, in the end, only disappointed was obvious: loser, which would have threatened the crucial games against the Relegation.

winner, however, have nothing to celebrate – and, in the case of the EHC, you are in Kloten, not losers. The number 1 in the Swiss League fought, even after the termination of the season for a place in the National League. It was her good right to all the possibilities. Of course, the Klotener were not blue-eyed with your rise of application prior to the League meeting, did you know how small the chances were.

After all, you were able to Express your concerns. But then, there were only 4 votes for a Promotion Kloten, some abstentions, but 46 no. Also from the Swiss League, the support was lacking. The Clubs seem to be happy, if you have to pay in the next Winter, a Team of extraordinary viewers helps.

“The squad
is 95 percent,

two players are missing.”Kloten CEO Pascal Signer

“Because the League was not settled, I see the result as a logical decision, we must accept that,” said CEO Pascal Signer. Now, a good clearance should be achieved. You have to go out in Kloten, from a loss of between 1 and 1.5 million Swiss francs. Signer and President Mike Schälchli try to find together with the most important partners for joint solutions.

On the sporting side much is clear. The squad for next season is, more or less, or as Signer says: “95 per cent, there are two players still missing.” The Swede Robin Figren has already signed for next season, at the canadian Center Eric Faille, the decision on renewal is expected to fall in the next two weeks. Defender Per Svensson, as the third foreigner for the eventual League qualification brought, will leave Kloten.

A silent departure from the stage will need to handle two sizes. Romano Lemm, with 715 parts of the record players of the EHC Kloten has been made before Christmas to the public, that this was his last season. In the summer he will be 36. Center Fabian Sutter, has completed over 1000 NL games, celebrates his 38. Birthday. Both played on Wednesday in the friendly against Lugano in their last Match. After all, it was with the 6:2 on a Team that had reached the playoffs in the National League, a special farewell. Lemm and Sutter will take over in the Klotener young part-time positions in the training.

For the Crew, which has, since may 2019, the Saying goes: Blame it must be nothing, she has done a lot of things right.

The season 2019/20 brought a step back to the top, to show more, was possible. Even this unexpected outcome was once again an indication of how negligent it was to have two years earlier, not from the beginning, with all means against relegation as he speaks. Is relegated to you quickly, the return usually takes a little longer. For the Crew, which has, since may 2019, the Saying goes: Blame it must be nothing, she has done a lot of things right. With the ultimately all-powerful opponent, no one had been able to count on.

The unexpected output, and the discussions about the abrupt end of the season also showed that a question is increasingly urgent: How long will the National League will be limited still the only League to a Top – 8 Nation to 12 Teams? An increase of 14 should at least be discussed. Not in five years. The Situation in the Swiss League is unsatisfactory.

In Sweden, where the termination of the championship threatens is vehemently required: Not Relegated, but the two Teams from the second highest Division, have qualified for the relegation round, to ascend. This would then mean: 16 Teams – and no one is afraid of that someone takes away something.

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Created: 13.03.2020, 21:37 PM