It’s Wednesday, and that is during the long qualifying period from September until the end of February is normally the a little other day of the week. Because the Wednesday is usually the Free day for most players. Strength training is voluntary, with security, you meet in a room with Weights and Fitness equipment only the physically ailing and injured players.

But before we take a look to the Davos office-Coaches, physiotherapists and massage take you back to the world of your business, we look briefly to the eve.

The real the end of day 2

Because the part 2 of this series described the Match-day against the EV Zug was at the end of the article is not finished yet. The last Ritual after a home game includes the two Goalies Joren van Pottelberghe and Sandro Aeschlimann, and their coach Peter Mettler.

the game Is over, the Goalie Coach, the two goalkeepers in each case to the smallest room in the wardrobe, here are four of the people have just the place. The intimate atmosphere is wanted here, neither are the other Coaches to view the players.

Mettler asks for a preliminary analysis of the Evening. It happens without Video. The game will be looked back on by all the scenes are still present, are discussed. Most of those Goalie that just played is a challenge, this evening at the 1:2-Overtime-defeat against train, this was van Pottelberghe.

It is amazing how many Details of the goalkeeper in the head – but and hear it for yourself. Here is the unedited Video of the Meetings with Mettler, van Pottelberghe, and replacement goalie Aeschlimann, the need to comment at the end also to the performance of his colleagues – also critical:

follows After each game: goalie coach Peter Mettler asks his two boys to the small office to the match analysis.

The hockey world off the ice

this is definitely back to Wednesday, the day when the coaches, especially office and Athletic Coach Steven Lingenhag, as well as a physiotherapist Philip Deck in the foreground.

they not only work, but mainly with injured and ailing players. With such a hope already, soon your Comeback give. But even with such, which it certainly is, whether it is on a playoff beginning at 8. March is rich.

Athletic Coach Steven Lingenhag (right) with player Benjamin Baumgartner.

we Start with Lingenhag, to take care of on this day, with the injured striker Benjamin Baumgartner. The 19-year-young Austrian is already far in his Rehabilitation, he sees the light at the end of the tunnel, would the participation of loved ones two days later against Langnau again. For the Coaches this is not but rather still in question.

During the Exercises, the completed Lingenhag with Baumgartner, is always the question of the possible burden and the pain in the foreground. The Exercises are designed to bring Baumgartner on the one hand, getting closer and closer to Comeback, on the other hand, but the Coaches also show how far the player is in his Rehabilitation, really.

working with injured players, part 1: office-Coach Steven Lingenhag and striker Benjamin Baumgartner.

As Lingenhag in a drill Baumgartner after the pain of asking and the player responds with “1, maybe 2”, must be able to assess the Coach, whether this is really the truth how they feel on a scale of 1 to 10. Or is it superhuman motivation of impatient after working hungry player?

Because Baumgartner is extremely ambitious. This also shows up an hour later, as he goes for a stress test briefly with teammates on the ice and a couple shots of the exercises completed. He returns with a sinister Mine, immediately rushes to the shower, dresses and trudges with a short “Ciao”.

players to watch: What’s up with him? One of the colleagues who was with Baumgartner on the ice, clears up and makes for laughs: “Beni is angry because he lost on the ice a bet. He met with an Exercise a single Time into the goal.” As head coach of the Christian hears Wohlwend later, this Story, like him: “Beni wants to become better and better. That’s exactly why he is so good and so advanced for his age.”

But back in the weight room, back to the Exercises and the alleged “1” on the “scale of pain”. Has Baumgartner merely fibbing? “So how do I know Beni, he is actually always honest,” says Lingenhag.

For him, but is nevertheless clear: The Comeback on the weekend with Games against Langnau and Biel is totally excluded, he shall notify the head coach as well. Baumgartner must wait, therefore, seeks to use a week later, in the last two games before the Playoff.

the veteran patience

In the weight room also needs Félicien is to be found Du Bois. At the age of 36, the defender, together with Captain Andres Ambühl of the oldest players in the squad. He is already longer with an abdominal muscle injury, it is not at all clear whether it will be for the playoff start is ready to use.

As a veteran Du Bois, in addition, the pitfalls of a long injury break and the dangers of a comeback in the much more intense the playoffs: “ready-to-Use the is be. But to get into the rhythm of play, is something completely different.”

physiotherapist Philip Deck (left) and player, You Félicien to Bois.

Du Bois works closely with physiotherapist Philip Deck. After an hour of Training alone in the weight room, the player meets with the German to make together, about 30 minutes more special exercises.

here, Too, it often goes to the question of the possible stress and pain. With the Deck emphasizes that the development of pain and resilience contexts: “Even if for a time the pain will remain the same strong, depending on the however, a much higher load-carrying capacity for the body possible.”

working with injured players, part 2: physio trainer Philip Deck and defender Félicien to Bois.

Decks role as a “brakeman” is a similar Lingenhags. Also, Du Bois wants as quickly as possible to return to the game. “To be patient, I won’t learn well,” says the player. “Félicien thinks very professional, but yet very impatient with his body,” confirms Deck. “We need to tell the players again and again, where you are in the Regeneration, regardless of the pain sensation.”

The view on Thursday: “The spectacle”

Also for the other Coaches, the Wednesday would actually be free. Head coach Wohlwend and his assistant, I want Walt to Immonen are now arrived yet also. Especially Wohlwend video images of the train-game to look at again and again, already thinking of the next day.

on the one Hand, the Thursday, the preparation day for the weekend will be the games against Langnau and in Biel, on the other hand, for the trainers a special Highlight is the afternoon. Thomas Baschab will be to visit the well-known German mental coach will give a lecture for 2 hours in front of the whole Team, about fear of failure and a lot more to discuss.

check that the hut at the coach: The injured striker Enzo Corvi looks over at Christian Wohlwend.

Baschab, the learning with various German football Clubs, and many other professional sports, but also with people from all sorts of industries, working together, had already in January in Davos. Wohlwend know about what awaits him and the team: “This will be a spectacle!”

part 4 Friday morning at the same place. Part 1 can be found here , part 2 here .

icebreaker – Hockey Podcast by Tamedia

The broadcast can be heard on Spotify as well as Apple. Or directly here:

Created: 27.02.2020, 16:59 PM