“it is the greatest gift I’ve ever gotten. We have been through a lot,“ says Stefano Corsi. Now he writes a book about his daughter with Apert syndrome.

Gauting – In April 2012, Stefano came Corsis first child to the world. A daughter named Elena Esterina, named after the paternal grandmother. “I can still remember well how much I was looking forward to the little mouse,” says Corsi. But everything came differently than I thought. She beams, laughs, and marched proudly through the garden. But something is different than other eight year olds.

Elena from Gauting has the Apert syndrome. A genetic peculiarity, which leads to various physical malformations.

“When I was born, Elena fresh there like that, saw, I had to leave the delivery room. We were not prepared for it, and it was a shock,“ admits dad Stefano Corsi. There’s a screaming little bundle that was born without the usual Fontanelle on the head, so that the brain could not develop lag. And the toes, and four fingers per Hand were grown without joints together.

“it is the greatest gift I’ve ever received”

Nevertheless, it only took a few days, as the dam was broken and Elena is the favorite of the Papa’s become. “It is the greatest gift I’ve ever gotten. And since then we have been through a lot together.“

With only seven months she had been the first to cut the head from one ear to the other, to create space for the brain, reminiscent of the native-born friends. Since then, Elena has survived more than ten operations.

operations do not Rob Elena joy

So far as possible, the fingers and the toes were separated. “I was, and am, fascinated by this small, brave Person. Never in my life have I seen such a child. No matter whether she was in the hospital or at home. She always laughed and was always in a good mood. So it still is today,“ says the dad.

The 33-year-old operator of the beverage market, and Two father – and- Elena still has a six-year-old brother named Eliano Armando – is now divorced. However, the concern for the young perceive both parents equally.

“Not like You”: the book and the Rap Album of Papa Stefano

Stefano Corsi is also going to write under the title “Not like you – All about Elena” a book, as well as an identical Album with Rap Songs. “The book is aimed primarily at parents and fellow human beings, to show them how fast it can go, everything comes out different than I thought. It should also remind you, though, what is the meaning of health and how important it is in society to be peaceful and friendly to deal with each other.“ Stefano Corsi knows what he is talking about.

Ex-Junkie now works as an Addiction counselor

15 years of age, he had the first contact with illegal drugs and consumed in the following years, Speed, LSD, cocaine, Heroin, and alcohol In 2008, it has been found out by coincidence that he was suffering from Hepatitis C. As a result, he underwent a strict therapy, by which he got away from the drugs.

Since then, the passionate Rapper is involved in addiction prevention at schools and youth facilities. 2014 came out in the “Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf”-publishing his first book with the title “bad luck in the luck – my journey back to life” in a total edition of 5000 pieces. Now the book is the focus on his little daughter.

support for the project, “Not like You”

Who wants to support this project financially and morally, has the opportunity, through the platform Kickstarter.com – “Not like You” punch in. About the Association the children of the island, telephone 0179/2 95 96 91 (Oliver Kübrich), Stefano Corsi also talks to book on the topic of addiction prevention.

Uli Singer

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