Indianapolis (AP) – A month before the planned re-start of the season, there are several corona cases in the North American Basketball professional League NBA.

Three professionals informed themselves or through their Clubs that they had been positively tested. Malcolm Brogdon of the Indiana Pacers, as well as Jabari Parker and Alex Len of the Sacramento Kings, however, stressed that they expected to be in July, at the continuation of the season at the Disney complex in Orlando in the process.

“I was recently tested positive for the COVID-Virus and am currently in quarantine,” said Brogdon in the Statement. “I’m fine and I’m making progress.” On Tuesday, all 22 Teams will be in Florida began with the Tests mandatory. League-Official already expected of them, that Corona-cases at the present time, unavoidably and early testing would give the players time to timely recovery. The first games are on April 30. July to take place. The Teams will be between the 7. July 9. July expected to be in Orlando.

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Kings Statement to Parker.