In Oberammergau is to the great Passions-shock again for the first time, a quiet mood of optimism is palpable. The management team has presented the roadmap for the next two years.

Oberammergau – A village in a state of shock. As extinct. Squares and streets? Empty of people! And that Corona is not to blame. As the Director, Christian Stückl, with tears in a voice sometimes choked on this 19. March 2020 the cancellation of the 42. Passion play (and shift on 2022) announces that everybody has to handle in Oberammergau this message for themselves personally. Whether on a lonely mountain top, at home, in private or in conversation with the family. Although it has been suspected for a long time, sits this sting is very deep. Many feel a great Emptiness. Today, eleven weeks later, arranged to the place with the Situation and the people responsible already look back ahead to 2022. Director Stückl: “It’s all so nothing helps. Mia san wieda required.“

also read: Corona: Passion play in Oberammergau in 2020 are cancelled – Stückl is fighting with the tears

Every costume needs to be re-tried on

in Front of the municipal Council, the management team of the Passion were now an Overview of the Status Quo. The Director made a clear statement to the effect, “that each participant remains in the role for which he was provided”. With the changes you should expect: “If one or the other may be for professional reasons. Then there’s holding a shake up.“ Although many garments are ready, waiting for the tailoring of Susanne Eski from the fall of 2021 a lot of work: “In two years, the figure changes, the young grow out of it. Who will have to try on each costume if it still fits“, looks ahead Stückl. Are fittings scheduled for 75 days.

With the samples, will the game head on 7. January 2022 again Markus Zwink, musical Director to start in October 2021. The Department of stage construction by Carsten Lück was up to 15. May, with the Dismantling and Storage of equipment and technology employed. From October 2021 to, so Lück wool to get started, slowly. Later, eleven people were said to be over a period of five months. In the autumn there will be more jobs – so the further conductor behind Markus Zwink, a second Director, as well as the wizard of Stückl and Zwink. In full use, distribution, and division of the media by Frederik Mayet are already now. Heuer on 5. October starts the ticket sales for the Passion, already before the advertising runs with flyers and social media. Another date of ash Wednesday next year is to throw, if the participants let the hair and Beard “under”.

you might also be interested in: Oberammergau is wearing mourning – the bursting of the Passions-Premiere

New Budget of 1.85 million euros

The makers assume, due to the shift of the passion play from 2020 to 2022 an additional cost for the production in the amount of 1.85 million Euro will arise. Additional material costs for staging and costumes 100 000 Euro are scheduled, as well as a further 150 000 euros for not yet definable expenditure. This Budget, the municipal Council agreed on Wednesday after a lengthy, controversial debate, with a 12:6-votes. With what sum the municipality of the failure of insurance can count, is still to be determined. Plant Manager Walter Rutz: “All documents are currently available to our contractual partner. I hope that in June a meeting is concluded and we see more clearly what we get reimbursed.“

According to the experience of the 2020 Oberammergau hedge in two years according to. The cost of insurance in the amount of 140 000 euros has been applied “like”.