Nearly ten years later, the fiasco of Knysna remains a Pandora’s box, in which all the secrets are still well kept. The intimacy of the room, where a few scraps of insults had filtered into the press, causing the exclusion of Nicolas Anelka, the reality on the green rectangle, the adventure chaotic the team of France of football during the 2010 world Cup fascinates as always. That culminated in the surreal scene of the bus of the players, and the letter read by Raymond Domenech in front of an audience of journalists.

A letter, which she also has not yet said all of its history. To start by its authors. According to the newspaper le Monde, Thierry big mouth would have participated in its design. The former secretary of State for Sport, under François Hollande at the time was a lawyer, deputy mayor for Sports, Lyon, and mostly known as a close relative of the president of Olympique lyonnais Jean-Michel Aulas. A detail that has its importance. Four players of lyon were selected in 2010, among which Hugo Lloris, Sidney Govou and Jérémy Toulalan. The time did not, however, untie the languages.

also Read world Cup 2018 : Knysna to Istra

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Thierry big mouth belies today its involvement. It recognizes, however, have got wind of the project players. “I was asked my opinion. A player can say “I asked a council or a notice to Thierry big mouth”, that I can confirm. And I confirm to you what was my opinion : I said that it was a bullshit. Undoubtedly, my opinion has not had an impact and has not been followed… ” he says with the World. The rumours surrounding the instigators of the mail caused by the strike of the players, have never ceased over the years.

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In 2010, France Football revealed that the former press secretary of Jérémy Toulalan, Stéphane Courgeon, had participated in the drafting. Three later, the former midfielder of the OL stated, always to France Football : “He was not my advisor to write one. “Finally, in 2015, The World said that a small group of players was at the origin of the transaction and that a lawyer had intervened to re-read the text, before you put the forms. There was a time when Andre Smith had been appointed as the intermediary. But it denies any complicity. Rest of the track Thierry big mouth, who, just before the start of the competition, had defended Sidney Govou in the context of the case Zahia.