Berlin (dpa) – The formula 1 has distanced itself clearly from the statements of their former boss, Bernie Ecclestone to racism. These people have no place in the formula 1 or of the company, it said in a notice on the Homepage to the race series.

“In a time in which Unity is required, in order to attack racism and inequality, not we agree with the statements by Bernie Ecclestone.”

In a previously published Interview with the U.S. television channel CNN, the 89 had said-Year-old, among other things, in many cases, black people are more racist than white people. As the formula 1 stressed, haven’t Ecclestone played after his retirement in 2017, no more role in the series, his honorary title as chair Emeritus, he had since January of 2020.

The use of world champion Lewis Hamilton against racism Ecclestone had been, he sees no discrimination of black people in the series. “This last campaign, he [Hamilton] power for black people, is wonderful,” said Ecclestone. “No, not at all,” he replied then, to the question of whether he thinks the formula 1 as a racist.

Hamilton has supported in the past few weeks, repeatedly and publicly, the “Black Lives Matter”movement. He also accused the formula 1, to be a “White-dominated” sports and founded a Commission, which should pave black people, and the way in formula 1. Mercedes and a number of fellow drivers showed solidarity with Hamilton. In the previous week, the formula 1 also announced the establishment of an Initiative to fight under the Motto #WeRaceAsOne, among other things, racism and inequality.

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CNN Interview

