Biathlete Denise Herrmann-Wick just missed her next podium place in the first race after her successful home World Cup.

The sprint world champion made a shooting mistake in the victory of Marte Olsbu Röiseland in Nove Mesto in the Czech Republic and finished sixth over the 7.5 kilometers. Her teammate Vanessa Voigt, who shot clean, landed directly in front of Herrmann-Wick.

“I tried to get everything out. It was a very tight sprint, so every second counts. Strangely, I missed a few seconds in the first lap,” Herrmann-Wick told ARD.

The two athletes from the German Ski Association created a good starting position for the pursuit on Saturday (3.45 p.m. / ARD and Eurosport). Thanks to the fastest final lap, Herrmann-Wick starts the race 39 seconds behind, Voigt is allowed to cross-country ski two seconds earlier.

Also Kebinger and Hettich-Walz in the top 20

Hanna Kebinger was also satisfied as twelfth (1 shooting error / 48.5 seconds) and Janina Hettich-Walz (1 / 1:17.5 minutes) also made it into the top 20 as 18th. Anna Weidel as 31st ( 1/ 1:34.4 minutes) and Sophia Schneider as 46th (3/ 1:56.00 minutes) had nothing to do with the decision.

As with the men’s quadruple victory the day before, the Norwegian women were also the measure of all things. Behind Röiseland, who was flawless on the shooting range, Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold made the double victory of the Scandinavians perfect (1/20.5 seconds). Third place went to Anais Chevalier-Bouchet from France (1/29.3 seconds).