Statue of Zlatan Ibrahimovic has been painted over with red paint, and there is written “Judas” on it.

the Statue of the Swedish football star Zlatan Ibrahimovic ahead of Malmö FF’s football stadium is once again exposed to vandalism.

This time red paint painted over the shorts in the gold-colored statue, and its pedestal is spraymalet “Judas”.

It writes Aftonbladet.

Vandaliseringen happens after the superstar last week bought itself into the minds of Stockholm-rival Hammarby IF, where he now owns a quarter of the shares.

the Same day there were hung a toilet seat up at the statue, and the day after was committed vandalism against Ibrahimovic’s house in Stockholm.

Here was the night of Thursday thrown surströmming – a Swedish specialty consisting of fermented herring, which are known to be smelly – out the front door.

There are also been written “Judas” with spray paint.

At the time of purchase of the shares said Ibrahimovic, that he was sure that Malmö fans would not react negatively to, that Tümbet he had bought in from a rival, but it came far from to hold the connector.

In the past season was Malmö FF number two in the best Swedish league ahead of Hammarby in third place. Djurgården became the champion.
