1. July, it should also be in Bavaria so far. May also be provided there, the last of the kids back in the day – care centres, Corona makes the Plan not dash through the bill. Since the age of 15. June are already children in the school year 2021/2022 required to attend school back in their kindergartens. Other länder such as North Rhine-Westphalia have already returned earlier to the regular School and daycare operation. The relief among the parents should be everywhere alike.

to cook lunch, the children keep the fun and by the way, the own Job from the Home Office to accomplish: Corona millions of parents forced in the last few weeks and months in a permanent balancing act between family and professional duties. Including, as many experts suspected, in particular, women have suffered. As an “attack on the emancipation”, to be referred to, for example, a report by the United Nations to the pandemic. The exception to this situation the Corona of a crisis have pushed back women in old gender roles. Is that really true?

study: sharing of care remained at 59 percent of respondents equal to

A new representative study by the “Allensbach-Institut für demoskopie” on behalf of the Federal Ministry for family Affairs, the study comes to very different results: evidence for systematic burden of mothers by a Corona care of their own children has just. On the contrary, In the survey, 59 percent of the nearly 1500 respondents parents with children under the age of 15 indicated that the division of childcare had remained during the crisis, with 20 percent of the distribution was even partnership.

All the info for the Corona location can be found in our News-Ticker, Live-Ticker for the Corona-crisis – Covid-19 News: citizens have no fear of Virus and want to get in the holiday

Similar to family ministries Franziska Giffey sees it. In an interview with the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”, said the SPD politician, that the limited day – care centre and school, unquestionably, a lot of parents heavily polluted “and some of their limits,” have brought. “Even more important is that many mothers and fathers shoulders the challenge of this time is increasingly common,” said Giffey.

Many employers were cooperative

For relief would be taken care of according to the study, many employers. Slightly more than half (54 percent) of the employers and superiors would have helped the Concerned parties in the framework of the additional Corona-loads without question “more”. 21 percent of respondents of the employers experienced while “not thrilled”, but helpful. In 19 percent of cases had reached “understanding”, however, assistance did not materialize.

From the point of view Giffeys show the Allensbach study, in addition to the fair distribution of the crisis burden, “the fact that a large part of the employer builds the necessary bridges”.

Also, the President of the German chamber of industry and Commerce day (DIHK), Eric Schweitzer, commented positively on the results. “It is a strong Signal of how many companies have grown beyond themselves and their employees and flexible Working have made it possible,” he said to the “faz”.

Urgent subjects in the context of the emancipation of the Rhine: wage justice, or a women’s quota for managerial positions, for example, are of course far. But at least the release of dusty family Role models seem to be a sustainable achievement, which is also closed kindergartens and schools is not so easy to lose.

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